
  • Durbin has always been a criminal in my book.

  • There was a copy of that log online not too long ago. I was very surprised as to some of the names on it. Hope it gets out again. Probably delibertly taken off of the online server.

  • Some have suggested that it really doesnt matter, Well YES it does matter EVIL IS ALLOWED TO EXIST WHEN GOOD PEOPLE SAY NOTHING. We the people are responsible for the type of leadership we elect to represent this nation, We are responsible to hold them accountable to maintain a high standard and we ourselves will be held accountable for the evil we are willing to accept.

    • KODOS Freddie!!

    • And I'll double that.

  • Janet, while ultimate accountability will not happen on this earth, we cannot simply resign ourselves in expected consolation, while these monsters remain amongst us to roam and mutilate and destroy not just individual innocents lives,but also any sense of the fabric of human decency.

    The actions of pedophile molesters and especially those being public servants self-indemnifies, and we are obliged to "send into that good night" those incorrigible actors for our own safeties' sake (just look at what "Sniffin Joe" does in plain recorded view). God does not require us to be indifferant even at our own lives risk. The faithful are supposed to love the gift of life, and not suffer indifferance for the obsessed perverters of it.

    I highly recommend viewing the decadent Wiemar Republic Kino "M", and see the slant that demoralized post Imperial Germany had on the ugly proposition. (yes, it should have english sub-titles)


  • You know it doesn't really matter if we see the log or not all of them will answer to GOD for their actions good or bad.

    • YES!  It does matter, greatly!  Do you want to keep politicans in office, making and breaking laws, that are being black mailed into a certain decision?  Do you really want these people running our country?  Being passive is basically is supporting more of the same!  It's time to stand up!


    • I agree, it does matter what condition we leave this country after we are gone. I'd like to see them punished by our constitutional's important. God will ask us what we have done, if we have done our part or just sat back waiting for him to get the job done!

    • Yes it does matter; my mamma taught me to "always try to leave a place better than I found it".

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