Employees at one of the nation's largest health insurance providers are routinely subjected to far-left critical race theory lessons and asked not to consider white men in hiring decisions, according to leaked documents and chat logs obtained by the Washington Examiner.
Those who work at Cigna told the Washington Examiner that they are expected to undergo sensitivity training they consider racist and discriminatory. Lessons include reviews of concepts such as " white privilege," "gender privilege," and something called "religious privilege," which is described as "a set of advantages that benefits believers of a certain religion but not people who practice other religions or no religions at all."
Employees say they are pressured to comply with "inclusive language" outlines that suggest replacing terms like "Brown Bag Lunch" with "lunch-and-learn" or "grab n' go."
Other suggestions include avoiding the phrase "No can do" and replacing it with "unavailable." Employees are told to avoid gendered descriptions of romantic partners or family members and not to use "Hip Hip Hooray" at birthday parties, so others feel included.
Microaggressions listed include questions such as "Do you even know what Facebook is?" and "Are you a nurse?" Employees are also asked to go through a "Societal Norms checklist" and tick off boxes if they are "White," "Christian," or "Heterosexual."
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