
  • Complaining will do nothing to correct this. It takes positive legal action, and lots of it to even begin to correct the problem. We need to focus on cleaning this up as much as possible before the primary and the election. How many of you have taken the time to go to a town hall meeting and make your position on this known in no uncertain terms? How many of you have confronted your representatives locally and state wide, not to mention your federal reps? Ask yourselves why we sit back and complain but don't get out and actually physically do something. I go, I write, I call. Do you? If not, how do you expect anything to change?

  • Typical of devildemocommiecrats!!!!!  I hope Lake uses her to overturn the fraud that put hobbs in office but, like dementia, hobbs will have already done irreparable damage, which is their goal, and that of the gop establishment!!!!!!!!!!

  • Not the only way they cheat!

  • Inspiring!

  • I'm so very sick of these vile corrupt demoncrats,

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