
Lanny Davis is a long time Democratic political operative, Clintonista and lawyer.

So he’s a good window into the Democratic thought.


But doesn’t his letter/tweet thread tell you everything about what they think of you if you live in a red state?


I wouldn’t count on knowing what’s a “blue state,” Lanny, after this election is over because you may get states like Minnesota that flip as well as others Democrats don’t anticipate. But do go on.


Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Lanny, learn some geography.

Then Lanny starts getting nasty, telling you exactly how elitist Democrats view the red states.


We get all the oil. We’ll take it. And what century is he in? There are no more slave states and it was we, Republicans, who defeated slavery that Democrats pushed. Look how he just tries to diminish the South.



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  • HEY! Isn't that the laywer I've seen in "The Simpsons" court episodes (and I don't mean Lionel Hutz)?

    Probably so, since he sounds as cartoonish as he looks.7980336100?profile=RESIZE_192X

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