CEFC China Energy is the company implicated in the first New York Post email drop from the article, “Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm.” Emails obtained by the outlet show how Hunter Biden “pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family.”
The emails reveal that a potential “remuneration package” for the CEFC deal included a potential “Chair / Vice Chair” position and a 20 percent stake in the venture for Hunter Biden along with “10 held by H for the big guy.” Hunter Biden’s business partner Tony Bobulinski, also attached on the email thread, confirmed that the “big guy” is a reference to Joe Biden.
Hunter Biden described a three-year consulting contract he inked with the CEFC China Energy Company president Ye Jianming that earned him $10 million annually “for introductions alone.”
But the Biden family weren’t the only members of the D.C. political establishment to take CEFC’s money; Hillary and Bill Clinton, through their eponymous foundation, accepted up to $100,000 from the company.
A New York Times article, “A Chinese Tycoon Sought Power and Influence. Washington Responded.”, outlined how Ye sought influence in D.C., attempting to connect with powerful individuals like those from the Biden family.
read more here: https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/clinton-foundation-cefc-donation/
It's all coming to a head now. There will be major indictments (plural!!) before the election that will kill Biden's futile effort to win the election with lies. The truth will prevail. It always does.
corruption/influence selling for personal gain is the top priority of the devildemocommiecrat party!!!!!
There will not be any arrests or convictions. The DC establishment is too big to jail.
Max, AND they have the protection of the deep state gop TRAITORS like mcconnel, murkowski, collins, etc.