
  • Well the old saying of stupid is as stupid does definitely fits the indoctrinated

  • So sad does she really know the truth. Information nothing but propaganda news. God I hope they aren't this dumb. She probably watches news on TikTok. She's got to be the 10% of dummies that will vote for Biden. People are so uninformed. It's sad

  • This is a huge problem in America........ uninformed people who should only listen actually talk, and think they are saying something important and smart!

  • Wow! Its hard to imagine this idiot can vote. People like her will be surprised when America falls.

  • She is one STUPID INDOCTRINATED idiot. To bad she wasn't taught history in school.Social media has become the bane of civilization.

    • You;re absolutely correct, she's one stupid indoctrinated idiot.. Imagine all the rest of the indoctrinated idiots that were to stupid to grasp the history of our Constitution and culture...

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