
  • Wake up.... it appears the RNC/GOP are trying to lose as many of the races as possible... they certainly are not hitting the ball out of the Park with their lackluster watered-down campaigns... Do they want to be the dominant political party or to save America?

    Rising prices are not an issue for Democrats and the GOP... The Republicans are not projecting just how harmful and destructive the Democrat Party has become for the AVERAGE AMERICAN and their standard of living. Trillions to cancel student loan debt, trillions more to support welfare, and illegal aliens. 

    The GOP political ads need to capitalize on the fiscal irresponsibility of the Democrats... and their reckless programs that give our taxes to the irresponsible and spendthrift elements of society... welfare, illegal aliens, sex change operations, abortion funding, foreign aid, the Ukraine Military, etc.

  •  "Democrat Politicians speak with forked tongue." - Adapted from a Wise Native American phrase.

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