
Statement from the PRESIDENT Trump


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  • 20 people go to a Biden rally, 20,000 go to a Trump rally.  You figure it out.  There is NO possible way that Biden could beat Trump.

  • Folks is doesn't take a very smart perosn to realize there was fraud happing right infront of our eyes.  There is no way some of these counties had 20k more people voting than last election.  I stand by my I   I President until we know we had an honest election?


  • These notoriously biased mainstream media outlets have been overtly campaigning against President Trump since November of 2016. It is way past time to ignore them and "We the People" must take our constitutional republic back from the Marxist globalist socialist Democrats once and for all. And if any in the GOP won't stand and fight with us, then they should be ignored as well. The fate of our republic hangs in the balance and the weak kneed, "go along to get along", sunshine patriots will show their true (yellow) colors in the days ahead.

  •  On Jan. 6, Congress convenes to count the electoral votes and certify the winner of the election. So all the pronouncements of victory for Joe Biden now are moot. More later.

  •  Biden president of the socialist party 

    Trump President of the United States 

  • I do not listen to the Lyng Main Street Media...MSM. they want to keep brainwashing the American Ppl that this bimbo has won.  HE has not.

    So sit tight...President Trump, has HIS lawyers on it TOO! Fighting these criminals trying to steal the election from the American PPL and the President.

    HOLD Steady~ Do not waver.

    • I was on the grounds of the Elections Dept Thursday afternoon and evening and all day Friday and today.  Come out with us, Maricopa Elections Dept. 510 S. 3rd Ave, Phx., all day, anytime. Bring banners, flags, shofars, friends

    • Exactly, Donna.  President Trump knew that Arizona was going to the lynchpin State long ago.  That's also why he and his family visited Arizona 8 times in October.  I don't know if you saw the interview a couple nights ago of an election official, Christine Ong Krotus.  She said that most of the votes had been counted and Trump was so far ahead, winning almost 2/3 of the vote in Maricopa County that there was no way that Biden could catch so the election office was calling Maricopa for Trump.  If you didn't see it,  But the Demons think they can win the Presidency by simply proclaiming that they won Arizona.  Well, now it's God and God's people who have some proclaiming to do.


  • Ha ha ha.   You know, it's a little like football.  THIS is how you handle the Democrats and Fake News.  When you're running with the ball, you Fake Left and Go Right .......... then you run for a touchdown.

  • The easiest way to ascertain why Lyin' Joe Biden was not elected President is that using all the current statistics Joe Biden shattered every single record the former President Obama set running for two terms.  I did not care for Barack Obama due to his FORGED birth certificate as well as all of the othere questions, but he was the most popular President that there has been other than Ronald Reagan?  So you are telling me that a candidate like Biden, who has the charisma of a plugged up toilet, beat all of Obama's records?  Even a Democrat knows better than that!

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