CNN Meme Gallery - Politically Incorrect Humor

CNN and Twitter went into a very revealing fact-checking frenzy after President Trump retweeted a “Racist Baby” parody. What’s most revealing about all this, is that CNNLOL has become such a fake news parody of itself, and is so aware it has become a fake news parody of itself, the far-left outlet felt it had no choice other than to panic over a parody video. In other words, CNNLOL’s credibility is so shot, it had every reason to fear people would believe a CNNLOL parody was valid, was real — this includes the misspelling of “Todler’ in the phony CNNLOL chyron. Imagine your reputation being so tattered, such a national joke, you have to go into Defcon 1 fact checking mode after President Trump retweeted this:

The panic that ensued at CNNLOL as soon as Trump retweeted that, had nothing to do with CNNLOL not being able to take a joke… Obviously, CNNLOL can’t take a joke; anyone who remembers how the far-left outlet openly threatened to destroy the life of a meme maker, knows that. But that wasn’t CNNLOL’s fear this time. No, what panicked the fake news outlet was the perfectly justifiable concern people would assume Carpedonktum’s brilliant parody was not a parody. CNNLOL was worried people would believe CNNLOL had actually lied and manipulated the truth to that grotesque of a degree.

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  • Wow.........have you noticed the rate at which the platforms controlled by the Statue Toppling Cultural Cleansing Demofascist Statist Pig Goebbelist enemy within are silencing and lying about "WE THE PEOPLE"?

  • The fake news is getting called out! That's why they don't like this great video clip. Trump needs to shut down the fake news and take control of all media. Unless he approves of a news story, nothing should get published in the media. That would eliminate all fake news and the media's lying right away, and Trump could finally tell the truth to all Americans on every media outlet. Trump and therefore the truth willl prevail!

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