
  • The Clown News Network has no credence to lend.

  • That sewer of TRAITORS at the communist not news network couldn't care less about people being murdered by his imported thugs  dementia should already have been tried, convicted, taken to a gallows to pay for his TREASON, him and all the rest of the devildemocommiecrats!!!!!!!!!!

  • Yeah sing his praises you idiot

  • Yeah, like the old story the dog ate my homework. Just another excuse or C.Y.A. 

  • How do we know that he is still not using drugs?  I doubt that he needs "goading"!

    • Do we know who the drugs at the White House belong to? My money is on Hunter. He is a low life junkie who will lie, cheat and steal to get a fix.  He is the offspring of his father a zombie.

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