
It’s not likely to find anything on CNN that’s favorable or even even-handed when it comes to President Donald Trump.

That’s one reason when it happens, it’s noteworthy.


But also, it’s incredibly significant information that gives us a great window into what a very important group of Americans thinks about the election and Trump.

If you just listened to the liberal media, pretty much all you would hear is polls show that Joe Biden is ahead. We saw how well that worked for them when they predicted Hillary Clinton would win in 2016.

That’s why it’s incredibly important to hear what real people are thinking.

So listen to what Rich Thau, a focus group moderator, the moderator of the Swing Voter Project, has to say.

He says he’s hearing strong support for President Trump from critical swing voters that could turn the election.

From CNN:

And, each month for the past 17 months, I’ve had a unique window into the Americans largely responsible for giving the president his slim Electoral College victory: so-called “Obama-Trump” swing voters across the upper Midwest.

Our Swing Voter Project has uncovered that many of these people, who live in places such as Canton, Ohio; Davenport, Iowa; Erie, Pennsylvania; and Macomb County, Michigan, prefer Trump over Biden. In fact, 22 of 33 respondents in these four most recent locations feel this way.

Not only are they overwhelmingly with Trump at this point, upon reflection, these voters who voted Obama and Trump would now vote for Trump over Obama in a hypothetical match-up, according to Thau.

read more here:


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  • Most, if not all, the people I know, would get off their deathbed to vote for President Trump this November. No way are real Americans going to let these communists take over our country. TRUMP 2020!

    • I don't know anyone who doesn't support Trump, either. All Americans can see how great Trump has made America in his first term and they want more of the same llike tax cuts and deregulations. That's why Trump will win with a landslide in November.

  • nancy piglousy, is trying very hard to become the first female president. Hoping to delay the election results with mail in voting, then she can become the interim president, dragging out the election results until she and hillary shred the U.S. Constitution, and put together the final steps in the destruction of the American Republic. I can't believe piglousy actually was bragging how she went to a meeting to determine the line of succession and how it would play out, long before there would be a delay of results. 

    • The Constitution doesn't allow for that possibility... the worst situation would require Congress to elect the next President... but that possibility is only valid when both the president and vice-president are dead... not because the elections are fraudulent and not certifiable.  The best guess is that the SCOTUS will have to decide who is President until new elections or credible certification of the current elections can be made. CIVIL WAR may well break out... I would certainly be ready to hunker down should the mail-in ballot scheme continue to receive support in California.

      California needs to be told in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that their mail-in ballot program is DOA... the DOJ must not accept the results of an election where 10 million ballots are mailed to voters current census data statistically prove don't exist... PERIOD. 

      The  DOJ and President need to act NOW NOT LATTER.  If California fails to revise its federal election plan, to use all mail-in ballots, the DOJ should file suit to decertify the election in California BEFORE IT TAKES PLACE... Citing why... as one doesn't send out 10 million mail-in ballots, more than statistics from the current census indicate exist that is election fraud.  California is already under a court order to clean up its voter registration rolls, by removing millions of voters who are ineligible to vote or don't exist... or the Courts may order California's elections be turned over to Federal Supervision.

      Other states like New York, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and most of the North-Eastern and Pacific North West all have voter registration roll problems... making mail-in ballots problematic and an open door for fraud.  The President and AG need to intervene now, not latter... We may well end up with civil war over open and massive voter and election fraud.

    • Isn't voting procedures a state issue? Where does the FEC fall in Who do we write? Barr?

    • Official duties of the FEC

      Although the commission’s name implies broad authority over U.S. elections, in fact, its role is limited to the administration of federal campaign finance laws. The commission enforces limitations and prohibitions on contributions and expenditures, investigates complaints, and prosecutes violations. Investigations are typically initiated by complaints from other candidates, parties and watchdog groups but any member of the public who believes that a campaign finance law has been violated may file a complaint.

      You are Correct Jea... we must appeal to the DOJ/FBI and the President... for help in heading off this coming crisis in election fraud... Given the current AG, DOJ, and FBI nothing is likely to happen.  I give up.. we are going to be out of luck as mail-in voting is hardly secure and it should not be legal.  There have to be violations of the voting rights act which guaranteed one man, one vote, and the many Civil Rights laws regulating voting and access to our ballot boxes.  

      I will go back and eliminate the calls to the FEC and resubmit calling on the President and AG to act... that ought to work... yeah, just like draining the swamp did.


    • I have already written Barr, months ago, about the election. No thank you, no response. Just wrote Trump about masking as the biggest human experiment in the history of mankind, and the tyranny and violence now as like Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, MarxLenin. Good men do nothing as Rome burns. It is under his watch. His only real job is to protect our rights. Unless he sees through the "mask" he will go down as who we lost our country under. He needs to see spiritually and stand against everything. I asked him if God would put masks over his people.

    • Exactly, I couldn't have said it better ... our elections are no better than shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic... there are no lifeboats for the common man and no one able to redirect the ship of state on its collision course with disaster.  Prepare for Civil War... as no one is actually doing a thing to stop the mail-in ballot fiasco... the elections will be a massive fraud... on the order of Obama's election... where a Kenyan became our President and neither party even bothered to react to the mountains of evidence demonstrating the fraud.

  • Trump supporters are quiet and waiting for November, then watch out you stinking demoncrats.

  • They are lying avbout the polls being against Trump because they're playing mind games to cause the people to have an attitude of defeat so they won't bother to vote.

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