Zucker memo

CNN’s top boss Jeff Zucker resigned from the network Wednesday after he didn’t disclose a romantic relationship with another senior executive at the company. 

Zucker, who has helmed the cable network for nine years, told colleagues in a memo that his relationship with CNN’s Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Allison Gollust came up during a probe into Chris Cuomo’s alleged sexual misconduct.

“As part of the investigation into Chris Cuomo’s tenure at CNN, I was asked about a consensual relationship with my closest colleague, someone I have worked with for more than 20 years,” Zucker wrote in the memo, shared on Twitter by CNN’s Chief Media Correspondent Brian Stelter. 

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  • Don't really care why he resigned - but I certainly wish they would replace him with a little honesty and journalistic integrity.  But I fear that is too much to ask for!

    • There are some connections to Previous NY governor, they touched on the fact that there is something more going on on FOX. Eventually it will come out. They think others at CNN were involved, or at least knew what was going on but were covering there may be more firings coming. Don't hold your breath for someone better, besides, at this rate people even on the left are switching to FOX. It's only a matter of time before they beging to see the corruption at the other channels, soon the truth will begin to hit them. Things are moving in the right direction at the moment.....we should be thankful!

  • Compared to millions of Illegals crossing Our Borders and all the Senseless Mandates over a Virus no deadlier than the Asia Flu of 57, this is Nonsense unworthy of response. Two consenting Adults having hetaral sex instead of the perversions promoted by the LBGTQ through the Progressive Socialist MEDIA/Politicians! Are we actually sinking to their level?

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • This isn't about the relationship, the truth is yet to follow!

  • Well here I go my opinion  if CNN was a used car would not touch it!! There are more worms and rats than you can shake a stick at!!  Needs to go the car shredder!!!  Unfixable cannot right the Titannic!  Send it to the bottom of the ocean and watch the Rats bail out!!!!

  • For what they pulled on us? Even after they're done firing EVERYONE,It will take ten years of honest reporting before people will trust them again,if ever.

  • His tenure was a success?????  They have lost 90% of the viewers they once had and are nothing but the main element of the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propaganda arm of the devildemocommiecrat party, full of liars and perverts!!!!!!!!!!

  • The truth will come out one way or the other

  • How can any of our daughters feel safe amongst these sex predators? I know: tar and feather.

  • Oh heck Fire them all Commie News Network ain't no good anyway!!!

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