
  • These children are being cared for and are living better than ever ...ย coming from the indigent, migrant poor, their supposed confinement is like heaven to these ragamuffins ... they probably think they died and went to heaven... three meals a day, a bed of their own, medical, dental, clean sheets, showers, and personal hygiene facilities, on a daily basis, cable TV, schooling, and psychological care... They are living, the high life, when compared to what they came out of.

    This sort of misclassification of guilt by the Marxist is misdirected...ย No guilt should be assigned to the USA,ย  Rather praise is due for taking care of children that SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY TRANSFERED TO THEIR COUNTRY'S EMBASSY... take all of these children to their nearest counsel or embassy and drop them off.ย  Let their own country deal with the problem.ย  We are such idiots, their Nation's Embassy is legally responsible for these children.

    • I believe international law REQUIRES that the USA surrender these indigent children to the custody of their own Country's Embassy and it is the duty of their Nation's Embassy to return these children to their parents.ย  We are in fact violating international law by detaining them.ย ย 

  • "There are over 3700 children in border patrol jail-like facilities. How can you say that's not a crisis?"

    Engineered by YOU COMMUNIST OCCUIPIERS!!!................Actually it's just phase one of you OCCUPIERS ATTACK TO BRING DOWN OUR COUNTRY!!!!

    More than 80 million KNOW THE ENEMY, ASS HOLES!!!!

  • being in US Border Patrol custody is 100 times better than living in the hell whole they left...

    Where's the rational examination of this problem... return the children to their homes or dump them on their EMBASSY... let their EMBASSY take care of them.ย  Get out of the Child Care Business.

    The root of the issue is simple... these children are the wards of their EMBASSY and their Parents, not the USA... idiots.

    • Ron, I agree totally!!!!!!!!!!

  • Excellent question!


  • Take all the illegal aliens and put them on the white house lawn

    • or around the capitol bldg, it is fenced and guarded.ย  Let the TRAITORS in congress deal with their pets!!!!!!!!!!

  • THE MOST Incompentent female in the history of the WH press corp.

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