
CNN reporter Oliver Darcy was reportedly left “visibly shaken” after his boss, CEO Chris Licht, tore into the liberal journalist over his “emotional” coverage of the network’s town hall Wednesday night featuring former President Donald Trump.

Darcy was called into a meeting with Licht and other network executives who have been frustrated with the backlash CNN received over the town hall — particularly from left-leaning outlets and politicians, Fox News reported

Following the town hall broadcast, Darcy appeared to slight his own employer in his “Reliable Sources” newsletter.

In the write-up, Darcy claimed that “CNN and new network boss Chris Licht are facing a fury of criticism — both internally and externally over the event,” which a source told Fox News appalled other staffers, who voiced their frustration with the CEO.

“I’m asking you to not be emotional,” the source paraphrased what Licht told Darcy at the meeting. Licht reportedly said that he wanted to see more objective coverage of all news outlets, not just CNN. 

Puck News’ Dylan Byers reported Friday that Darcy “stood by his work.”

“But afterward two sources who heard about the meeting described him as visibly shaken,” Byers reported Friday.

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  • Clinton News Network has presented Only the Left or Soclist point of view for so long that Anything different and they all go into Convulsions!!  What are we doing presenting a Conservative viewpoint??? Geez, its called Balanced reporting! Something that made Fox News, Fair and Balanced. They have forgotten we as in John Q. Public don't want their Opinions , Just give me the facts as they know them to be. Dig for the facts not a opinion.  Opinion is like a butt hole, everyone has one!! If you lie to me once your Done! 

  • So they blame each other for the situation they created!  Typical!!!  They should just turn the light on themselves and look in the mirror.  Stop supporting TRAITORS CNN or you become labeled a TRAITOR yourself.

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