
  • Remember CNN= Communist News Network 

  • Marjorie is a real spit-fire  and not about ton bow down; she only needs to be careful about separating fact from fiction, before she throws one of her verbal bombs at either the media, or the democommies!

  • The democommienazis are in control of our gov't...Greene is correct. 

  • Keep up calling out the Anti American bums, all including the worst, rinos!  I say rinos are the worst although demoncraps are a boil on the ass of America, at least they stick together and tell you how they intend to destroy America.  Not so rinos who look you in the eye and stab you in the back.

    • Exactly... These RINO's will eat their own if it advances or secures their power.

    • let's hope so

  • Greene should not tone it down but instead step it up. We the people want many more like her.

    • I agree.

    • I agree with you 100% 

  • Good for her.


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