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  • I beware of Globalists bearing gifts.  So we are not out of the woods until we are.

    But.......... if what he says works out, I am left to marvel about the far-sightedness of the Constitutional framers.

    I am also hopeful that all levers for mischief by an interim President (Pelosy if she is around) will be carefully shunted or beyond reach of operation, while the dispute is totally resolved.

  • It would be the best Christmas present ever. 

  • Pennsylvania Judge Files Memorandum Stating 2020 PA Election Likely...

    Great. Does not take a rocket scientist to realize what is going on. 

    Pennsylvania Judge Files Memorandum Stating 2020 PA Election Likely Unconstitutional- Trump Case “L…
    A Pennsylvania appeals court judge ordered state officials on Wednesday to halt any further steps toward certifying election results, a day after Gov…
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