Joe Biden has a high-class problem. He has a short list of highly qualified women, who would all serve as excellent running mates.
But there is a strong case to be made for Susan Rice. For full disclosure, I have known Rice for more than a decade, going back to the first Obama campaign and the early days of the Obama White House. And four years ago, I would have bet my life savings against the odds that she would be on Joe Biden's shortlist of running mates in 2020. I also would have felt comfort in knowing Hillary Clinton would be campaigning for her second term at this point. I can admit to being wrong.
But elections, like governing, are about meeting the need of the country at a particular time.
As a family member, who has voted for both Democrats and Republicans, recently said to me about Rice, "I just feel like she would know what to do when she gets in there because she has been there before. And right now, we need that."
And government experience matters -- now more than ever before. The team that would surround Biden, should he win the election, would be dealing with a recession, a global pandemic and the rebuilding of an institutional infrastructure that has been decimated by the Trump administration.
Though I had met Rice before she began her tenure in the White House, I first really saw her in action when she was the US Ambassador to the United Nations (2009 to 2013) and later the National Security Adviser (2013 to 2017). And what I observed was a leader with the guts and the experience to step into the role of commander in chief. During her tenure in the Obama administration, I saw her stand up to older white men who served in cabinet roles and senior White House roles -- and witnessed her speak on behalf of more junior staff during meetings with the President of the United States.
Susan Rice lied,and that can not be forgotten. Being a part of Biden seems to fit her nicely. Susan Rice caused the lives of Americans. Susan Rice belongs on the trash heap of history!
It is rather odd that when one knows another personally there is a tendency to overlook any flaws in character, especially so if the person is on a national stage and has obtained governmental authority.
Rice is a liar. Not only did she lie, she refused to tell the truth, or shut up, but reinforced the lie by repeating it over and over again. This woman is not fit to conduct a pig wallowing contest, let alone be president of the United States.
I think she will indeed be Biden's choice for VP, and that fact alone tells you much about her character, or lack of it is more accurate. But even if she is not, and Harris is, the outcome will be the same. The VP will assume the top seat due to Biden's inability to function, the nation will be ultimately destroyed because of it, and either Rice or Harris will go down as the final president of the United States.
My view.