
  • She is a nut job. She must have graduated from the Kamala school of political science. 

    • I don't think she made it out of kindergarten. The clown show of DEmonrats keep trying to push "democracy" when in fact we are a republic they're trying to destroy.

  • This woman is insane

    • They're all insane. 

  • As someone who is serving in a governmental office, she has more responsibility than the average citizen to SAVE OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC

  • What a Bozo! She is wrong on several counts.  1) We aren't a democracy;  the USA is a representative Republic 2) One of the principles of Democracy is free and fair elections.  Elections where some idiotic bureaucrat decide who is on the ballot cannot be considered free and fair.  3) If she could read the Constitution, which she probably cannot, she would see that the American system of government is set up for the American CITIZENS to decide who are representatives are.  And just another note here - Invaders (i.e. illegal aliens, migrants whatever you want to call them) ARE NOT citizens.

    • Exactly.

    • Right. They are a special category of CRIMINAL.

    • True....and that crime organization is criminal communists who need jailed.

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