Opinion | What happened to all those unemployable women's studies ...

President Donald J Trump has been anything, but conventional, in his approach to governance. From his decades of construction and building skyscrapers, it is well known he would reach out to the workers on the worksites and taught his children to learn the business, from the foundations up.

In several union trade jobs, the workers actually earn more money than middle white-collar managers down the street. Skills, work ethic, and loyalty were more important to the success of the business that the degrees on the wall.
According to news reports, President Donald Trump is preparing to direct the federal government to overhaul its hiring to prioritize a job applicant’s skills over a college degree, administration, and industry officials say.

The executive order, expected to be signed Friday will outline a new direction for the nation’s largest employer of  2.1 million civilian workers, excluding postal service employees. Set to take place during a meeting of the board that advises the administration on worker policy.

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  • Common sense is the new super power.

  • Magnificent and brilliant President! 
    End giving minorities an edge on jobs and education! Nobsense!
    Rather, have all applications to  schools, colleges, universities, and jobs be blind applications!
    Do NOT let so many foreigners in!  So happy President Trump has stopped importation of foreign workers, although for a short time, and should be done with taxpayer funded colleges and universities!
    Although in all ways an admissible student, One of my sons almost didn't get accepted into university because enrollment was IMPACTED, until I called the University and let them know I had been to the campus and seen it was crowded with foreigners! Since it was a taxpayer funded university, I let them know foreign students were being educated with our tax dollars while students born and raised in our state were being rejected, and that I was going to my Congress officials, and news with this information! They accepted him immediately!

    I found this to be VERY disturbing!

    Applications for education and jobs be blind - ethnic origins, addresses, gender, age all not visible, only information on skills and job performance records.

    Things to consider for HR and university acceptances:

    Things to be held in high regard and Usable on jobs:  test scores, mathematical skills,  job references, courses you can prove you've taken and passed, trades you

    are skilled in, computer skills, and scientific and medical skills and backgrounds!


  • of course taking pointless courses that are not useable or marketable for a job is the fault of the drug addled, simpleton that spent 4yrs or more doing this.  They don't even bother to tackle courses to become teachers. Colleges are self perpetuating fungus growers.......they fill students' heads with mindless crap , collect large tuitions and fling the PC wonks into the world to become aggitators, activists, protestors and generally useless.  Then they take on the "Chelsea Clinton" syndrome that they should all start with a $100,000 salary .  Parents that let their adult students take crap courses only......are at fault.  Parents should monitor the courses and figure out the worth.......and if a college insists on "requiring" crap courses like "Women's studies " that they pay for.......FIND ANOTHER SCHOOL. 

    • A lot of those giant tuitions are paid for with student loans. It leaves quality students with real curriculum choices owing large amounts of money. I know of many that it has taken 10 years or more to pay the loans off!

      so unacceptable!

  • Maybe McDonalds is hiring.

  • When I attended college the easiest career to obtain was teaching. No difficult courses required; except,  maybe first aide and underwater cave

    • These dopes cannot even be teachers......a good teacher requires not only completing college subjects, but at least have some "life experiences" on jobs, people , current events, economics, history etc .......these 22-23 yr old graduates SHOULD NOT BE TEACHING KIDS OLDER THAN 10.......SINCE THEY KNOW LITTLE and have experienced little.  Nother worse than  one of these 20 something teachers working in a high school.  Since most of the schools and colleges have been infected with left wing ideology and b.s. it has nearly destroyed the nation's abiltiy to provide thinking, rational citizens.  They dump slavery guilt on kids that had nothing to do with it.....white privilege and white supremacy garbage and all the other socialist trash to make them unable to analyze, question and come to rational conclusions.........they are not provided a rounded study of history or American and therefore become little leftist activist protestors. 

  • About time! Go Trump!!!


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  • What do you expect when most teachers in higher education are communists? We don't need "teachers" and scientists that hijack our youth and our government. They only come up with stupid hoaxes about things like global warming and coronavirus to fit their communist agenda.

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