If the Federal Reserve owns more than 7 trillion in corporate debt and is permitted to prop up private corporations and now individual citizens (pandemic income stimulus)...   Isn't, what was once a private economy now a Government managed economy, socialism by default?  Won't the Government eventually end up owning or managing the means of production?  Apparently, all the Fed needs to do is print currency; too, buy Corporate Debt (the means of production)?  Doesn't taxpayer funding of the Fed to purchase corporate bonds from Big Banks and Corporations, run the risk of the Government becoming the defacto owners of the means of production? A Communist economic model?

The latest version of covertly imposing Marxist Economic Ideology in America... is what the Fed calls economic stimulus...  borrowing money from the taxpayer to bail out private corporations and now individuals. The COVID 19 economic stimulus and the Obama economic stimulus transformed how the US Economy is managed... with the government becoming more and more important as a direct source of capital.  We are slowly transitioning from a private economy to a government-run or managed economy... Marxism under a new name.

Banks, Private Corporations and small businesses are becoming more and more indebted and dependent on Government... through the use of economic stimulus and the manipulation of taxes and trade policy. We are watching the bleeding out of a truly capitalist economy and its enterprise... the end of the free-market economy.  How can one claim to have a free market with so much intervention to prop up Banks, Private Corporations, and now workers' incomes...  we are becoming dependant on a Government managed economy.  How is that good? And, isn't that how the old USSR once managed its economy. This sort of economic stimulus is nothing but DISGUISED SOCIALISM... It isn't sustainable.

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  • P/S With government policy and the law becoming more restrictive... dictating everything from on who one can or must hire to how one may manage their business... America's businesses, by de facto, are government-owned or managed. The typical business owner is more of a manager than an owner.  Owners are no longer able to freely choose who they employ, or too whom they sell goods and services.  The rights of private business owners are dictated by a host of laws and regulations... enforced by regulatory inspection for compliance. 

    As a youth, I remember how easy it was to open a business... hang out a sign, pay the city a small fee to obtain a business license and that was just about the full extent of the government's intrusion on small business.  No need for a tax number, sales tax bond, insurance, or bond requirements, and on and on and on... Today, one needs a lawyer, accountant, and business advisor to properly open and maintain a business... Starting and maintaining a private business has become so complicated that most fail in the first year.  It is also becoming very clear that business owners no longer hold real ownership rights to their business... they merely manage their business, as long as, they stay within the government's regulatory requirements and pay their taxes and government fees.

    Our economic model is no longer based on the traditional capitalist enterprise model... the fundamentals that once defined a PRIVATE business no longer exist.  As citizens of the United States, we no longer own our property... we have a lessee status as long as we pay our property taxes, maintain the property according to local law and zoning ... The government's rights to our property, now take precedent over our private ownership rights.  OWNERSHIP OF ANYTHING IN AMERICA HAS BECOME AN ILLUSION.   Don't pay your taxes and watch the state confiscate all of your property ... real and personal.

  • I agree with what you have so well stated.  Even though the root of the problem is almost never, ever pronounced it is , however, most relevant and necessary to treat in order to solve the problem rather than place the old temporary band-aid method bound to fail everytime it is applied.

    Man's attempt to govern himself sucsessfully and long term is futile.  Nothing is free, including any market economy.  When private interests fail, and they always do eventually, the government steps in to salvage the mess, and generally creates an even bigger mess in doing so.

    Plainly speaking, this country was not made by capitalism, free markets, and the greatness of the Founding Fathers.  It was made by God.  And that is not a religious statement. It is the truth.  The failure is due to the refusal to acknowledge it and conduct our collective behavior in compliance to His instructions.  Until we do, we will continue to fail until we are no more.  In short, we are headed in the wrong direction, and we ignore the road map given to us to find our way.

    My view.

    • I agree with you completely. 

    • I agree we need Godly government and commerce...

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