((Bombshell)) Congress was Briefed on Antifa attacking capitol "Dressed as Trump Supporters" on 6th of January creates questions why the police let the antifa walk right into the capitol Building? Rep Mo Brooks says multiple Congressmen and women recieved a intelligence briefing that Antifa was planning dress up like Trump supporters and attack the capitol building, That means Nancy pelosi and the democrats all knew Antifa was in the crowd and the fake news media was waiting for them to breach the capitol, Antifa activist caught in the capital dressed as vikings, Antifa plays dress up with Trump flags and hats. Questions raised into conspirators who wanted to botch the Winning electoral vote for Trump, we Even have 3rd source of evidence Antifa listed this information about infiltrating the Trump Rally on the 6th using Trump gear, multiple facts come in pointing toward couple hundred Outside Antifa Agitators stormed Capitol building as investigation unfolds
-- Nate Codington Edgecrusher23 Wednesday, January 6, 2021
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I knew that was going to happen before the attack began. I heard that ANTIFA was on its way to the Capitol at the same time as the inbound Trump supporters. I hope that the arrests of some of these individuals will reveal this and if it does, we will not hear anything about it. Remember this is the Comey FBI. The current FBI director did nothing to clean up the FBI and I think he was probably taking kickbacks to NOT clean up the FBI. Nothing is going to happen regarding this under biden (lower case intentional because he is NOT my president.
GOP leaders are more stupid than I thought do they think the socialist party will listen to them they are cowards. VP Pence had the power of the Constitution to change the outcome does he think Biden would have done the same thing, no this people hate the Constitution but use it when it is on their favor.
There will be nothing done in this situation or your questions. So, lets go one step farther. CHINA. China built two (2) islands which extends their borders 200 nautical miles. The Olympics will be hheld in Japan. As far as we know right now. While all the members have their eyes on Japan The Chinese will invade South Koria and the island of formosa Formosa. The GREAT Obama HA,Ha,Ha, let China build the Islands. The Ukrain was taken over by Russa placing troops close to the Olympis for security. Insted of withdrawl they invaded the UKRAIN and CRIMIA.. If this is the case, are we going to protect Formosa from China and North Koria invading South Koria??. How much is China going to bribe our polititions so we give them an exit from the South Pacific and the China Sea. If you think for a moment that this scinerio CAN NOT hapen you are mistaking. Their next step will be Japan or the Phillipines. Obama probably got payed off to not to interfear with any movement from China. Good Luck America. I feel for my kids, grand kids and great grand kids. I'm very scared of the punishment that the GREAT PEOPLE of THIS NATION has brought such a TREGADY upon us.
Other than a few good American patriots in congress, they should be sent to Gitmo for a few years - or more !
He should not be re-elected. Why has antifa and blm not already been designated as domestic terrorist groups?
This is par for the course! Did you expect congress to do anything? A bunch of cowards and traitors!
Same here!
Congessional fruits and vegetables are not grasping anything other than for a moment, they were actually afraid they would be accountable for thier raindeer games.
The infiltraters however do know they are accountable, and knowable by face, to many many Patriots that just may want to hold them accountable for rendered payment.
Happy thought, no?
True. But I was more so pointing out,
"The infiltraters however do know they are accountable, and knowable by face, to many many Patriots that just may want to hold them accountable for rendered payment."
Stupidity earns its own reward.