"Each of them takes an oath to defend the Constitution, but many House lawmakers either don’t understand the founding document or don’t take its precepts seriously, according to an analysis by The Washington Times that studied the constitutional backing that representatives submitted for each of the more than 3,000 bills they introduced in 2011.

Under rules that the new Republican majority put into place, each House member introducing a bill must cite specific parts of the Constitution that they think grant Congress the authority to take the action they are proposing.

The first year’s worth of action was less than inspiring for adherents of the founding document: Many lawmakers ignored the rule, while others sliced and diced the clauses to justify what they were trying to do. One thumbed his nose at the exercise altogether, saying it’s up to the courts, not Congress, to determine what is constitutional.

Most striking of all is how little the statements mattered in the debates on the bills. They were mentioned just a handful of times on the floor, and didn’t foster the constitutional conversation that Republican lawmakers said they wanted to spark. “A lot of people were wanting it to be a mechanism for actually forcing something to happen. And that didn’t happen. And I think it didn’t happen because, by its very nature, it’s not the right mechanism for doing it,” said Matthew Spalding, vice president of American studies at the Heritage Foundation.

He helped push for the rule two years ago and said it can be a good tool to teach about the Constitution, but it’s not the way to enforce limits.
“This thing does not bear that burden,” he said.

Republicans took control of the House in 2011 with vows to restore fealty to the Constitution after two years of fights over the limits of congressional and executive power. Constitutional authority statements were just one part of that effort.

The House also kicked off the last Congress by hosting a reading of the full Constitution on the chamber floor — the first time that had been done. On Tuesday, the 113th Congress will start with another reading.

“One of the resounding themes I have heard from my constituents is that Congress should adhere to the Constitution and the finite list of powers it grants to the federal government,” said new House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, the Virginia Republican who has organized the reading both times.

Constitutional cherry-picking

The Washington Times studied 3,764 bills introduced in the first year and found some patterns in the authority statements: The most commonly cited authority was Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, which establishes Congress‘ power to tax and spend “for the common defense and general welfare.” Close behind, however, was the commerce clause — Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 — which has come under fire by many conservatives for being stretched well beyond the Founding Founders’ intent.

Lawmakers cited 70 authorities, including 56 bills under the 10th Amendment, which reserves powers to the states rather than to Congress, and 12 under the Second Amendment, which guarantees the right to bear arms.

“The thing that jumped out is how many parts of the Constitution members of Congress seem to think grant them legislative authority,” said Doug Kendall, founder of the Constitutional Accountability Center. “I wouldn’t have thought the 10th Amendment, which is about not legislating, or the First Amendment, which says ‘Congress shall make no law,’ would be fertile ground for legislative authority.”

Like Mr. Spalding, he said the reality has fallen short of its drafters’ hopes. “It is a good thing to require Congress to articulate why the laws it passes are constitutional. I think it was an overdue idea,” he said. “That said, if all you are required to do to meet the requirement is list ‘Article I, Section 8,’ then I’m not sure there is any utility in doing so.”

Even Mr. Goodlatte has used that shortcut, citing Article I, Section 8 in general terms for a handful of his bills. That is the section that gives the broadest outline of congressional powers on such matters as taxing, regulating commerce, controlling immigration, coining money and overseeing the military.

Mr. Goodlatte’s spokeswoman didn’t return messages seeking comment.

Constitutional shortcuts

The Republican Study Committee, the conservative caucus in the House, has monitored the statements and found some surprises.  One bill that was signed into law cited only the Constitution’s preamble. Five others cited clauses that don’t exist or were not cited under the correct clause. “It should go without saying that members of Congress and the executive branch must know and understand their constitutional limits and requirements established by our Founding Fathers, but unfortunately, that has not always been the case,” said Rep. Steve Scalise, Louisiana Republican and chairman of the RSC.

The rules call for lawmakers to cite the powers “as specifically as practicable.” Despite that, 108 bills were introduced citing all of Article I in its entirety. That is the article that establishes Congress. Goofs, shortcuts and misreadings abounded. Rep. Ed Perlmutter, Colorado Democrat, cited the foreign commerce clause and placed it in a portion that deals with federal debt authority. Rep. Scott R. Tipton, Colorado Republican, sponsored a bill to promote hydropower on federal lands, citing the Constitution’s clause granting Congress the power “to make rules for the government and regulation of the land.” But the full clause gives Congress power “to make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces” — clearly a reference to the military, not to federal property.

Several others made the same mistake.

Constitutional creativity

Some lawmakers got creative in their justifications. Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, New York Democrat, sponsored a bill to force companies to disclose publicly whether any of their supply-chain businesses use forced labor, slavery or child labor. Her constitutional justification: “Amendment 13 — Slavery Abolished.”  Rep. Don Young, Alaska Republican, cited Article I, Section II as the authority for a bill that allows Indians to collect sea gull eggs in Glacier Bay National Park. Article I, Section II, has little to do with sea gulls. It sets out the requirements for being elected to the U.S. House.

None of those bills became law.

Fealty to the practice appears to have waned over time: Rep. Paul A. Gosar, Arizona Republican, in his early citations cited specific authorities and even included discussions of court cases that he said helped clarify the extent of Congress‘ authority to act. But by the end of the first year, he was submitting standard one-sentence justifications, just as most of his colleagues were doing.
Constitutional ‘authority’

Rep. Rick Larsen, Washington Democrat, signaled that he didn’t think Congress had any business talking about constitutionality and argued that it was something better left to the Supreme Court. “Members of Congress, having been elected and taken the oath of office, are given the authority to introduce legislation, and only the Supreme Court, as established by the Constitution and precedent, can determine the constitutionality of this authority,” he said in his authority statements. He goofed in each of them, placing the Supreme Court in Article II of the Constitution — which actually sets up the executive branch instead. Article III sets up the court. Spokesman Bryan Thomas declined to elaborate on Mr. Larsen’s approach.

The statements have fostered only a few real debates on the House floor, and there it has been chiefly Democrats, not Republicans, who have used the constitutional requirement to undercut Republican-sponsored bills.

In one debate on the Protect Life Act, which would have expanded prohibitions on federal funding of abortions, Rep. Alcee L. Hastings challenged the statement submitted by bill sponsor Rep. Joseph R. Pitts, Pennsylvania Republican. That statement said the bill was acting to “overturn an unconstitutional mandate,” but Mr. Hastings, Florida Democrat, said that wasn’t specific enough.
“I would also like to call into question how it’s possible for us to consider this bill on the House floor when its sponsor, Mr. Pitts of Pennsylvania, failed to provide a statement citing Congress‘ constitutional authority to enact it,” he demanded on the House floor. His complaint went nowhere." 

End of Quote... The Washington Times Article "Congress has a Constitution problem — many don't understand document", By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Monday, January 14, 2013

It is appalling but many of our members of Congress have no idea or only a limited knowledge of what the US Constitution says or means. Worse, is Congress's deference granted to the inferior Federal Courts and US Supreme Court permitting them to define the US Constitution and too effectively legislate new law by judicial fiat. The Federal Courts are established by Congress, its judges are appointed by the Executive and they were intended to be the least powerful Branch by our founders. The Federal Courts Jurisdiction was intended to extend only to the administration and adjudication of the law, not to the creation of new law. Congress and our representatives are woefully unprepared to govern as the Constitution intended as they simply and frankly don't understand the Constitution and from the record of debate in Congress some have never read it.

The abdication of Congress's legislative powers to the Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts in Maybury vs Madison must end. Congress must limit the Federal Court to administering the law by restricting its jurisdiction to the case before it. Congress must end the doctrine of case law or settled law. The Cours must not be permitted to define the law in any instance other than the case before them.
Granting Jurisdiction to the Federal Courts to define the law through judicial judgment... effectively subordinates Congress to the unelected Judges of the Federal Courts and by default, the Executive Branch has no choice but to follow...Thus the precept of Stare Decisis grants the Courts and UNELECTED JUDGES the power to make law... too, legislate by Judicial fiat... dicta.

Maybury vs. Madison must be overturned and legislation passed that clearly limits the Court's jurisdiction in law... to the PRESENT CASE BEFORE THEM... all other cases in law, that seek relief through the Courts with similar constitutional or legal issues must bring a separate case before the court for relief, or Congress must amend or repeal the statutory law bringing the law into agreement with the findings of the Court. Congress's failure to do either (Amend or Repeal) simply affirms the law as written and corrects the Court's presumptive error. The Courts must not be allowed to establish what has become known as the Law of the Court... voiding Congress's sole power to legislate all laws.

Many of our problems are the result of the Congress's ignorance of the purpose and intent of the US Constitution... they don't understand why or how the limits on federal power were intended to restrain federal power and head off the current disaster we now call Federal Government. They have usurped powers not intended to be granted, they have divined powers, not in the Constitution, and they have failed to execute their offices within the scope and preview of the Constitution.

It is time the People returned their government to its Constitutional limits ... smaller, less intrusive in the affairs of the several states and its citizens... they can start by rewriting and redistricting the federal judiciary returning the power to govern under the laws to the Executive Branch with Congress being the only Branch permitted to create law... limit the Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts to the CASE BEFORE THEM ONLY... and don't permit the decision in one case to supplant the law as legislated by Congress.

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  • The Courts are engaged in going BOLDLY WHERE NO UNELECTED OFFICIAL HAS GONE BEFORE... one small step for the Court, one giant FALL for America.

    With every new Judicial finding and adjudication, the Courts affirm their independence from reason and the authority of the Constitution... usurping powers and JURISDICTION they were never intended to have. beginning with Marbury vs. Maidson it has been a downhill race to bring us to where we are today... the SUBJECTS of a new royalty in robes of black.  We have officially traded one tyrant (King George)3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants 1 mile away... One tyrant for the many who now RULE under the Color of Law

    The Federal Judiciary was to be the weakest of the Branches of Government... but through the corruption of the law, these hypocrites of justice now sit as the unelected, arbiters of the Constitution and Statutory Law.. the lifeblood of our government and culture.  The Courts are totally out of control... they have become the nemesis of the people, not their champions.

  •   Very informative for those with the patience to read and learn.  I'm afraid that is a definite minority now.  I believe a key issue during some of these years was the President we had.  The only reason he looked at the Constitution was to find ways to subvert and bypass it.  Probably the same reason he studied the law.  But like your post  says they are too many Republicans with a similar problem.  They didn't want to rock the boat I guess.  I think AG Barr has a different opinion and maybe he and Durham will confront some of the stunts Obama's Cabal got away with.  I was reading in the Bible this morning in Psalms where David was lamenting about how the lawbreakers and trouble makers continued to flourish.  But he felt God was telling him not to despair and continue to do the right thing because the evil doers will become victims of their own deceit and folly.  We keep wondering when but in God's time a few years is like a minute to us.  We need to keep trying to get the truth out tho.  Ravi Zacharias said the truth has become such a threat that it's being hidden by a bodyguard of lies!   I think we agree 90% of what these leftest radicals are pushing is based on lies.

    • Too defend something one must first know what that something is...  Our Elected Officials have a very limited understanding of the US Constitution and many of them see it only as an obsticle to be overcome... outdated and obsolescent.  Few are interested in defending it, even fewer understand the oath they took to defend it.

      However, the principals and precepts contained in our Constituiton are timeless maxims... for the establishment of sound government and social justice.  Our Constitution was inspired by more than the will of men. It is the fruit of our Christian Fathers, whose very being lived and breathed the essence of God's Word. Those godly men knew what laws and ethics ... what checks and balances ... were needed to restrain the excesses of man. They understood what was needed to  create sound and lasting Godly government. Our Constitution is no ordinary document it is the inspired word of God handed down to our forefathers for the purpose of creating one nation under God... with libety and justice for all. 

      America is more than the sum of mankinds best... it is God's gift to a faithful people, and the promise of hope to an oppressed world.   It established a new world order, in the new world... based on the promise that all men were created equal in the eyes of their creator.  However, the current generation has forgotten the source of our liberty, and blinded to the God of their forefathers... this generation has rejected God and with Him the precepts that guarantee liberty. 

    •    Well said.  Wasn't it John Adams who said our type of government will only work for a religious and moral people.  We are seeing now what a wise statement that was.  Without moral restraint and God's influence on our lives man's excesses start to dominate.  Especially those buying into the leftist agenda who focus on government solutions from the outside instead of Godly solutions inside the individual heart.  Look at how government policies have torn down the American family.  All statistics say children from traditional two parent families are way more likely to do well.  Welfare programs encouraged Fatherless homes in the black community and gradually influenced whites as well.  How many abortions since the seventies?  I'm repeating much of what you've said but hope I'm adding a little.  My point is very few want to talk about the roots of the problems.  This wouldn't be politically expedient!

  • Anyone ask their member of Congress what article 4 of the Constitution covers?

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