The Congress shall have Power To… exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such Dis­trict (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Con­gress, become the Seat of the Gov­ernment of the United States… (The U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 17)

In The Federalist No. 43, James Madison explained the need for a "federal district," sub­ject to Congress's exclusive jurisdiction and sep­arate from the territory, and authority, of any single state:

"The indispensable necessity of compleat authority at the seat of Government car­ries its own evidence with it. It is a power exercised by every Legislature of the Union, I might say of the world, by virtue of its general supremacy. Without it, not only the public authority might be insult­ed and its proceedings be interrupted, with impunity; but a dependence of the members of the general Government, on the State comprehending the seat of the Government for protection in the exercise of their duty, might bring on the national councils an imputation of awe or influence, equally dishonorable to the Government, and dissatisfactory to the other members of the confederacy."  Quote Federalist No. 43

Madison's concerns about insults to the "public authority" were not speculative.  In June 1783, several hundred unpaid and angry Conti­nental soldiers had marched on Philadelphia, menacing Congress in Independence Hall itself. Pennsylvania refused all requests for assistance and, after two days, Congress adjourned. Its Members fled to New Jersey.  (This is why Congress is to be the sole governing authority in the District of Columbia.... having the power to enforce the law and mobilize the militia in their defense among other lawful and constitutional purposes).

Without the President, Executive, or Judicial Branch's permission, Congress has the sole JURISDICTION to govern the District of Columbia.  Don't let the current government tell you otherwise... The members of Congress are refusing their duty to maintain law and order in DC.  They have failed to police the District's civil authority in the orderly and lawful execution of civic authority.  They are USING the DC Government to do what they can not do directly... Obfuscate and disrupt Constitutional order at key moments in our history.  In this case, they orchestrated the disruption of the Joint Session of Congress in the Constitutional process of electing the President.  They unlawfully stopped the lawful challenges to the Electoral vote totals.

Congress has permitted Mayor Bowser and her administration to allow riot, sedition, and acts of treason to occur in the nation's public square.  Congress, not Mayor Bowser and her Marxist city council has the ultimate DUTY, constitutional jurisdiction, and RESPONSIBILITY to keep civil order in DC... They have failed.  Congress also has the auhtority to remove Mayor Bowser and the entire cabal of delinquent malcontents currently governing DC.  WE MUST DEMAND Speaker McCarthy's act to restore law and order in DC... NOW! 

The Speaker can use his power to create the necessary legislation (referenda) to permit Congressional police and security to restore constitutional authority and civil order in DC.  The Speaker can direct the arrest of members of Congress, the DC government, and the Federal Administration under his Constitutional jurisdiction.  Members of Congress that have violated the law are not immune from arrest, detention, indictment, and trial for felony offenses.  During open sessions of Congress, they are immune from arrest for misdemeanors.

For More On This Subject see:  The Constitution and the District of Columbia | The Heritage Foundation

And Cornell Law:

Clause XVII | U.S. Constitution Annotated | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (

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  • The people remain without representation... as Congress ignores its constitutional powers to restore Constitutional order in the Administration of our Federal Governmetn.  Congress has the sole and lawful right to create Grand and Petit Jurys... courts and prosecutors... to investigate crime and to enforce the laws within the District of Columbia.  Congress, not the Administration has this power... not the DOJ, not the President, not the FBI or any other federal law enforcement agency... not without Congress's authority to act.

    However, the leadership in Congress doesn't want to acknowledge their DUTY and Powers to execute the law in the District... as that would EXPOSE THEIR COMPLICITY WITH THE LAWLESSNESS.  Men like McCarthy and McConnel shoujld be completely embarrassed, except they are not, as they are behind the charade... The political theater... created to deceive America's public as to their true allegiance... it appears not to be to the US Constitution.  Guess who they are paying obeisance to... the New World Order?

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