In 1929 Wisconsin applied to Congress... requesting Congress perform their constitutional duty to call a convention, listing Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin as states having made an application for a convention.

There were 48 states in 1929, so 32 applications would be required to call a convention. 35 states were named.  Today there are 41 of the 34 necessary state applicaations in Congress's hands... and they still refuse to call an Article 5 Convention to propose amendments to the Constitution

In 1982 according to Justice Brennan, there were 41 valid state applications in the hands of Congress ... that is 7 more than the 34 applications required to mandate Congress CALL an Article 5 Convention.

Finally, by any reasonable measure, at least 41 of the 34 states required to CALL the convention have open applications with Congress.   Enough is enough... with 475  total applications and NOT ONE CONVENTION CALLED...  Congress is blatantly in defiance of the US Constitution.  Call the convention and pass the needed amendments before the next election. 

Elections have consequences... and frankly, under our current electoral system, the consequences are disastrous.  We need to amend the Constitution to ensure we have a free and fair system of elections. Presently, it is not fair nor free (equally accessible for all qualified candidates)

Congress fears a convention... as do the RINO/GLOBALIST... because the convention could place additional constitutional restraints on the Federal government... II would undoubtedly affirm the several States as the sovereign powers in the union... masters over the Federalists... Thus killing any conspiracy or attempt to invoke a new world order, one-world government, and a command economy

It is past time the several States sue Congress... to require them to call an Article 5 Convention.



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