
The House Foreign Affairs Committee has announced that Secretary of State Antony Blinken will appear in front of the full Committee, chaired by Greg Meeks (NY-5), on Monday, September 13th.

With the Afghanistan crisis still unfolding, the Committee Members should not let the Secretary of State off easy. Blinken should be required to answer why he and Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman stayed silent while President Biden pulled the 2,500 U.S. troops and 5,000 NATO troops from a war-torn country about to be taken over by the Taliban terrorist group before evacuating State Department employees.

The Committee should require Blinken and Sherman to answer why they allowed their employees to be stranded in a hostile zone. It’s hard to comprehend how a Cabinet Secretary could sit in the Cabinet meetings without demanding that the U.S. Embassy be evacuated before the closing of Bagram Air Base.

Foreign Service Officers (FSOs), members of the intelligence community, Pentagon officials, and commanders in the field had been warning National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines that the Taliban were on the march. No one in the Biden Administration should be surprised that city by city, the entire country was eventually taken over by the terrorist group. There were many warnings.

President Trump handed Joe Biden a stable Afghanistan and a functioning U.S. Embassy in Kabul. And within weeks, the Taliban began its march. The fact is that under Donald Trump, the Taliban was afraid to make a move; but under Joe Biden, it took over the whole country without consequences. Joe Biden’s weakness proves there’s a difference between a threat of military action and a credible threat of military action.

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