Congress Slaps America In The Face Once Again!


I see the piglets feeding at the public trough, are once again slapping down Americans wishes, and taking their marching orders from their hidden elite masters. Voters who elected them to REPRESENT, not to rule over them. The latest vote on the bloated CR proves that! All the outcry about public spending, and all the exposure of shady dealings, still did nothing to curb the excess greed processed through that package deal called a Continuing resolution. 
I can now confidently state; If the American People do not start acting immediatly to use the Article-V measure for a "States called Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention", to cut our iniquitious Congress out of the process, we will never again have any control over our government. 
Our Founders put Article-V in as a safety valve, to allow the people to stop the government when it's so totally out of control like it now is. To do so without waging a shooting war to control it. We know every Amendment so far, has been exclusively been originated by Congress. Those Amendments have by benefited Congress more than America and the American people, by giving legal interpretations of the Constitution, and contrary to what the Founders intended the Constitution was supposed to do to protect for the people.
Every time the people have tried to access Article-V through their States, they have been thwarted by a concerted effort to block and scare them off. Usually the methods center around the Falsehood if the States called an Article-V it would create a Constitutional Convention which could and would open the main body of the Constitution to be rewritten. THAT IS A LIE! 
If it were true about opening the Constitution to change, don't you think the corrupted elements in Congress would have already done it to benefit themselves even more? The safeguards in place which restrain Congress, also restrain States, from opening the main body of the Constitution to change it. Granted, Amendments can be created, changed, or repealed, but that is exactly what Article-V was designed and intended to do. The safety factor is how those changes are ratified.
For an Amendment to be proposed by the States, the amendment proposal wording, must be exactly the same for every State in the convention, and agreed on. It must be worded as agreed on by the States delegates to the Convention, when submitted to Congress to be sent out for Ratification. Congress can not change or alter anything about the proposed Amendment. When Proposals that fulfill those criterion are presented to Congress, even if they already have the 3/4 approval of the States, Congress MUST send that proposal out to all 50 States for a formal Ratification vote. At this point, it takes 38 States to approval to Ratify an Amendment.
The process is the same for the States as it is for Congress; For Congress a proposal must be made on the floor. The specific wording of the ;pro;posal must be agreed on by members of Congress. When that criterion has been reached, it's then sent out to all 50 States for formal Ratification. Congress has proposed approximately 11,848 measures to amend the Constitution from 1789 to Jan 3, 2019. During the course of history, 27 Amendments have been ratified and one repealed. Six additional Amendments have been submitted to the States, and have not been Ratified. 307 U.S. 433 (1939)
Does anyone wonder what those Amendments proposed by Congress only, to change the interpretation of the articles of the Constitution, would have done to America? It all comes down to this; WHO DO YOU TRUST MORE WITH OUR FUTURE, CONGRESS OR OUR FELLOW AMERICANS?
Learn more about about the Article-V at; 

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  • They don't follow the law now. What is to make them follow the law, after an Art. V?

    Silly to write more law when they don't follow the law now. The answer is charges, prosecution, arrest, Gitmo or rope or bullets. The crimes are everywhere around us, front, back, left, right. Criminals must be taken care of FIRST. Then closing ALL unlawful or criminally oriented agencies. Televised firing squad or hangings.  Whatever is fastest and cheapest and most immediate. 

    At that point this country will come out of her spiritual blindness when evil is actually punished and our liberties upheld. Then start over. The purpose of punishing the evil FIRST is that some will actually experience their "Come to Jesus" moment and repent. And then they can turn on the evil ones left as witnesses. More repentance. That will turn the tide. My opinion.

    • Any law passed that is not Constitutional, is not binding, and does not have any legal way to be enforced. There is no way around it. If they tried to enforce illegal laws they would be punished.

    • Right....we need true Americans who go to DC for America's benefit. Laws mean nothing at this moment, we must hold them to follow our existing laws. 
      we could probably get rid of 50% of laws and we could still function perfectly well  following what is left. No new.....just follow what is!  This regime works hard trying to figure ways to get around the law, and not even hide they are doing it! 

    • Basically, the original laws codified in the Constitution, were based on the 10 Commandments morality teachings. Those morality teachings form the basis for a workable society in the lowest common denominator as well as being the basics of our Christian Religion.

    • We are seeing the edges of a revival! 

    • ". Laws mean nothing at this moment, we must hold them to follow our existing laws."

      We need to have them forcibly removed. "After-the-fact," is like helping the murderer clean up the crime scene. Or something like that. Right back to Citizen Common Law Juries. They could take care of it if there were enough of them. 

    • Maybe when people are actually punished for not following laws things will change! 

    • The trueh is; we can't do that without becoming the same as those we would punish. Law by it's basic definition, is nothing more than a formalized agreement among people, on how they will react with each society. That is why we must codify the law before we act.

    • They break the laws that already are codified. They violate the 2nd A, and every part of the 1st A. And they do not care. They break laws in general. They don't read the law, much less respect the law. The border is but one example. They invent a reason for breaking the border without writing law. They just announce something. Then what? It is like Fast Food Law, Invent it as they go, only without writing it or passing it. Just look at the border. McCarren-Walter is and has been the Immigration Law since1952. They have had plenty of time to read it.

      So what? They do not care, none of them, left or right. That is why I think punishments work best, first, like a Mother chastising an unruly teenager. A nation that has no sense must instill sense again. Sense is definitely a result from learning right vs wrong. It is a clarification. Therefore, punishment for wrong-doing or facilitation makes sense. What has been the reason for America's self-destruction has been that criminal government actions have never been stopped, much less punished. It is not wrong to punish wrong. Just the opposite. And they are not children. They are criminals. All of them. It is righting the ship when it has tilted so far left that it is sinking.

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