
  • It's not progressive religion... it is CULTURAL MARXISM... the word Marxism or Communism can't be used though as they don't exist anymore... they were defeated by progressive thinkers.  NOT! The Marxists are progressives.   Demanding the left do what is right is STUPID... this idiot obviously is deaf and blind, no wonder nothing is being done.  He is a representative and obviously is in position to do something... writing him is a dead end... it will result in another opportunistic VIDEO... rather than legislation to reform government.

    Representative like this are the problem... he sees the problem, explains it, and then does nothing effective to deal with it.  His rhetoric doesn't match his actions.  Why isn't he pounding on the doors of the FBI and DOJ to demand they enforce the law and go after the embedded insurrectionist in the government?  The current insurrection is a threat to our government and this man is our government... he needs to call for demonstrations... take some of his campaign funds and use it to fund and organize protests in front of CNN and MSNBC, or the SCOTUS...

    He is the problem... a leader that won't commit or lead. He is an opportunist riding the latest wave of public rage using it too obtain the votes of his conservative constituents.  However, you will not find him leading a demonstration in front of the SCOTUS or DOJ... No, you won't find a video of him standing on the steps of the FBI Headquarters demanding Wray resign or forward indictments on the likes of Clinton and Comey... that would be to controversial and openly expose him to media ridicule... and the loss of a few votes from the progressives in his constituency.  No, he has learned to play to both sides of the aisle... 

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