Conservatism Now Means Defeating the Establishment

The incompetence and failure of the Washington establishment you libs side  with is the very reason Trump was elected. - Imgflip

Look around you at the smoldering ruins of American society, and it’s clear that you owe our garbage Establishment nothing.

Not loyalty.

Not respect.

Not obedience.


It has failed you. And now it is dead to you.

Tear it all down.

Rip out its rotten foundations.

Burn the poisonous debris.

Rebuild it on a foundation of the Constitution.

There was once a social contract out there that we all thought we all signed on to. You know the outlines of the implicit deal. We agreed to give up certain prerogatives and to provide prestige and prosperity to those people – who became the Establishment – who would run our institutions for us. For example, we outsourced our right to avenge ourselves to the justice system and (except for immediate self-defense) to keep order to the police. We would respect and trust the objective, neutral truthtellers, called “journalists,” who would gather and disseminate the news and information we needed to be active citizens. And, in a formal way under our Constitution, we agreed to give government officials enumerated powers and to be bound by the rules implemented via due process and limited by the Bill of Rights.

It was imperfect, as all human endeavors are, but on the whole it worked.

Until now.

Our institutions are old. Most date from just after World War II, or even further back. How about the example of academia? For the most part, in terms of practice, the only major difference between the typical college class today and one a century ago is that the person lecturing the hungover sophomores knows which bathroom to use. What is different is that it doesn’t work anymore – those mush-minded teens are not learning the info they need to be citizens, both because what they are being fed is rancid propaganda and because there are no standards anymore. Oh, and it costs more than the average American makes in a year to get young Kaden or Ashleigh that Collectivist Pottery bachelor’s degree.

And because the institutions are old, the geniuses and innovators who founded those institutions are long dead. Our institutions are run by people who didn’t build them. They inherited them, and like the vast majority of heirs, they are screw-ups. Take a look at the Kennedys if you’re unclear on how generations devolve over time. JFK captained PT 109, became president, and scored with Marilyn Monroe. This generation of Kennedys mostly scores dope. As Instapundit Glenn Reynolds says, we have the worst ruling class in American history.

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  • The liberal Left hates him because they cannot control him or influence him to help them.  President Donald J. Trump is the best President in my lifetime and I'll vote for him as he protects and supports our great nation and it's citizens.  He is the most patriotic, America First POTUS we will ever see.

  • The fundamentals of good government remain relatively constant throughout history... good governments are underpinned by a moral society and not just any morality... a Judeo/Christian social order provides the greatest stability for human governance.  Our Constitution was made for a moral and RELIGIOUS people.... a culture which understood that the works of men we all corrupt if they were not based upon a higher-order... one that transcended the moral depravity of mankind. 

    Man is an arbitrary creature when left to his own devices he displays all the character of cannibalism... devouring the weaker of his own species.  It takes God's moral and social precepts for man to live at peace with one another... any other form of governance always leads to MIGHT MAKES RIGHT and a never-ending succession of wars to enforce the will of the strong over that of his weaker brothers and sisters.

    Until America returns to embrace the Judeo/Christina culture it once prized above all else... it will continue its speedy debauchery, on the road to ruin and perdition.  Our only hope as a Nation is to return unto God, that which is God's... our obedience and love as His Children.


  • I love Donald J Trump he is the man for the hour.

  • Anarchy is what Joe Biden WILL bring to all American Cities.unless people wake up and vote him out of existance,


    • He does and so does every DEM politician. They work for them

  • Your last paragraph says it all ... to paraphrase a long gone song 'where have all the individualist entrepreneurs gone? Gone to collectivist central government everywhere. When will we ever learn? When will we ever learn?'

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