
  • Mitch McConnell is a disgrace. I say we boycott all rinos and align totally behind President Donald J. Trump and his candidates. This is the only way we can prepare the ground for Trump to make America great again when he wins in 2024 again.

  • We need real conservatives leaders in Congress not Romney McConnell and the rest of the Rinos who go along kissing the socialist ass 

  • With our Republican "Representatives", do we have a choice? 

  • mcconnell and mccarthy are devildemocommiecrats with an R behind their name!!!!!  Calling them rinos isn't strong enough because the gop IS NOT the republican party I have supported in the past!!!!!  For at least 30 years the gop establishment has been the "moderate" wing of the devildemocommiecrat party!!!!!  The few patriotic republicans are kept out of any significant positions because the establishment rightly sees them as an impediment to their globalist plans!!!!!!!!!!

  • Pay off more student loans for degrees in Gender Studies and General Studies or some other waste of time... Native People's Studies.  

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