Recently a fellow patriot asked the following question... raising the question about possible conspiracies to establish a new world order on the ruins of an older order.
"Haven't we given our heavy industries, and electronic industries away due to the machinations of dishonest banks, globalists, politicians, and unions?"
We have been lied to regarding Free Trade... the engines of wealth have always been 'Manufacturing'. Taking raw materials and making finished goods... taking that of little value and manufacturing goods of greater value. Service economies don't produce new servicing the needs arising from the production of existing income and wealth.
America built its wealth on manufacturing and its agricultural industry. England did the same before us and the whole of Europe also. China built its wealth on manufacturing... with the direct help of US Corporations, Bankers, and entrepreneurs... at a GREAT COST TO AMERICA and her future.
Today, these same bankers and global industrialists claim America can not MANUFACTURE GOODS and compete in the world marketplace... I say BS. Could it be in their interest to disarm us and destabilize the US economy? We are now dependent upon others for the various essentials of our economy and military might. How did that happen? Who betrayed us? Global elitists and their cronies around the world, working for a new world order?
Our founding fathers fought these same elitists... the East India Company's of their time are here today. Our forefathers were PROTECTIONIST. They used tariffs and imposts to keep cheap tea and goods, from places like India, from destroying local commerce and businesses. They made (Tariffs and Imposts) part of the Constitutional means for funding the Federal Government, such revenue became the lifeblood of the federal government... turning the greed of Globalist upon themselves... they took the profit out of exploiting cheap labor and the economic disparities found in world markets. We would do well to learn from their early example for dealing with Globalists.
Today Globalists are waging economic war upon the US ... it may well prove our demise if we don't recognize the machinations of the World Bank, IMF, and Global corporations, for what they are... war. The individuals behind these institutions are making Billions... if not Trillions... off of the looting of our Manufacturing and NOW OUR RAW MATERIALS... coal, oil, natural gas, etc.
The Keystone Pipeline is not necessary ... why should we aid in building a pipeline, that takes oil from the North and ships to the South for refining on the Gulf Coast, where it will be loaded on Tankers and shipped to China and elsewhere in the world. Build the refineries where the oil is produced and keep the refined products in the US until our manufacturing base rebounds... feeding on cheap energy. Jobs, jobs, and more jobs are the key to a robust economy in the US. With the reemergence of our light and heavy industry, we will have jobs for everyone who needs or wants to work.
The oil, natural gas, and coal in the US should remain ... in the US... First, for our own consumption and if there is any excess production, then SOLD on the world markets. Our Manufacturing base should be expanding, in direct proportion to the abundant harvesting of our natural resources and access to cheap energy... Energy will only become cheap if we keep our resources local. However, the EPA and other Federal Agencies have denied REASONABLE and ecologically safe access and harvest of our own treasures. Why? Who or what is behind such ignorance? The third world is engaged in the rapid and hazardous expansion of their economies at our expense... and we are to remain docile and accepting of such garbage. Enough is enough. We must disband the EPA and various other agencies or tie their hands so tight that they can't destroy our economy by issuing regulations based on false or faulty science and APPLICATION.
We need to be building new refineries, near our oil fields and reserves, in the North... Any pipelines built should be used for the DOMESTIC distribution of refined oil and gas. Our Coal is being shipped to China and India; too, be burnt by them in their power plants and by people in their homes. Why? Is the Earth not a global biosphere? Pollution in China makes its way around the world... doesn't it? Then what is good for China should be good for the US.
Does it make any sense to burn coal where there are no EPA measures to ensure it is burnt cleanly... as it is in the US? We are being deliberately deceived, disarmed, de-industrialized, and now our raw materials are being redirected to the third world. The communist may look at this as justice, as reverse colonialism, and the REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH. We Americans need to see it as ECONOMIC WAR... War on us and our heritage by economic means.
It is time to take serious action to expand our energy markets in the US and then overseas... We have sufficient fossil fuel reserves to meet all our internal needs and to expand our economy. We have sufficient oil, coal, and natural gas, too support the rapid expansion of our industrial base and to pay off our national debt.
However, the major energy companies and their allies in government will tell us otherwise... They want to keep supplies low and their profits high; while, slowly bleeding us to death. Have you noticed how retail fuel prices manage huge market swings; that is not the result of a free market. Those huge swings in retail pricing are a clear sign of managed markets. We are being had by Globalists, who are looking to usher in a New World Order. One, where they are the masters and we are the slaves.
Before these merchants of tyranny can successfully usher in a New World Order, they must destroy the only Nation, people, and economy, able to resist such a movement. They have worked for decades to undermine our government and economy and are now in the final stages of their plans to eliminate the US as a world power. Then, they will usher in a one-world government, a single currency, and economy... a new world order.
America is the only power holding them back and we are now on the chopping block... It won't be long before our currency and economy completely collapse. What then? Our raw materials won't be able to save us, we will not have the ability to get them out of the ground, to refine them, or to convert them into manufactured goods. We will be at the mercy of those who can... Guess who that will be?
I could go on about this for hours... but the point is America is in deeper dodo than most know or care to discover. The graft and corruption are systemic and may be well beyond reach for a peaceful resolution. Hence, the POLICE STATE is being readied, to humble a once proud and free people. Let us pray, that God intervenes and does so soon, as in my humble opinion, that is our only hope... man certainly is not.
Ronald A. Nelson
COL., USArmy (retired)
Permission to reprint and circulate is given with a byline.
I forgot to mention that the new world order, NWO, is what was planned for the 21st new American century through the conspiratorial 9/11 federal government conspiracy and the passage and implementation of the Patriot Act, which is about as legal and Constitutional as was the Alien-Sedition Act under James Madison. The object of the new American century is to abrogate the Bill of Rights, especially First Amendment free speech, privacy, and the 4th Amendment protection of personal papers and effects. A Convention of States, under Article 5 of the U.S. Constitution, is the only means for reclaiming what was once Constitutional government and for getting rid of such things as the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act and the Fed, which vilifies the exclusive duty of Congress, in Article 1, Section 8, to coin money and to determine its value.
Mlopez, your passion to express yourself is admirable, and as far as the application of conspiracy is concerned, I agree with you. The worst and most horrible events in world and American history were wrought through the illegal covert strategic planning of evil men and women. And this can only be described through the application of conspiracy or cabal. I have spent the last 25 years writing and publishing essays concerning the long-term plot by fascist statists to dumb-down the American electorate through six generations of subtle public school Hegelian indoctrination, persuading natural and surrogate parents to turn the raising of their children over to federal govenment inspired public-school districts. The electorate, since the advent of television, has turned inexorably away from an appreciation of the facts about what is actually happening around them to a seeking propagandish entertainment. Thank God for the private Christian and parochial schools and academies. An increasing number of Christian public-school parents are disenrolling their children and enrolling them in small private academies and homeschooling them.
Even the conservative Republicans aren't properly ascribing the destruction of the American economy to its roott cause, the Federal Reserve. The waelthy Republicans, even DJT, are afraid to oppose the Fed, like Dr. Ron Paul did. The USA should have a sovereign economy with the sovereign American dollar predicated on the gold and silver standards. Globalism is totally Keynesian and utterly socialist, as was John Maynard Keynes. We have passed a point-of-no-return under due process of law in government and economics. A bloody revolution seems to be the only means for restoring the precepts of freedom and liberty. In order to perform the duty of Americans, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, the right of the people to alter or abolish government that is opposed to the inalienable rights of human beings is the only means of restoring what once we had. When more than half the republic's electorate is composed of liberty lovers, and a little less than half are liberty despising socialist/Marxists, 54/46, you have the makining of a civil war, a revolution, much bloodier than the American Civil War.
The WEF is now closing the door on hope for a resurgence of US heavy industry... strapping us with huge debt and global conflicts... keeping us tied down from igniting a new industrial revolution...
There are no simple solutions to complicated conditions spanning generations of effect. Six decades ago many American mothers took their Children to the farms during hand harvest to earn family money while learning work ethics. Many children bought own their bicycles, school clothes, and other needs and wants from these earnings and having through this process learned the value, care and maintenance of their properties. Enacted Laws took these opportunities away from the American Children, along with the mowing, trimming, painting, car washing/waxing. With agriculture Migrant Workers obtained "Green Cards" to work the American Farms Nine Months of the year. Hard work, housing provided. Earnings exceeded the Home Country and valued workers were guaranteed a return Green Card. As the "Building Boom" began, the need for experienced craftsman escalated as the training of these basic skills in America's High Schools completely disappeared. Green Card holders migrated from the Farms to the Construction Sites and Manufactured Home Plants without care for documentation but only for production/competition/profit. Former Green Card holders migrated into all other Services, working well and adequately, for far less due to no Bonds, No Workman Compensation, No Licensing. Project profit competition required overlooking proper documentation. Obvious fakes I.D. accepted. Fear of retaliation caused migrants to not report injuries and unsafe conditions with unscrupulous employers. Boom ended, Manual Labor available only to Non Complying Companies. Agriculture unable to fill void in labor requirements, as labor continues to leave for permanent vocation. Ag. Wages Increase. Food Prices Increase. All American Citizens share blame in wanting Best Price for the Project, regardless of Legal Requirements. Always it is a serious of things going wrong that lead to failure.
Lynn Bryant DeSpain
Absolutely Lynn...
Corruption breeds corruption... in recent months, the illegal alien is arriving at the border to find no work, and being unskilled they depend on the charity of others. When the charity waines or runs out violence and criminal conduct often follow.
America is facing an escalating cycle of violence and hopelessness... as hundreds of thousands of new Biden illegals arrive only to find the welcome mat is the underside of an overpass... and the bare earth or cold concrete. The inevitable destination is starvation or violent misappropriation of anothers' property and wealth.
America is headed for monumental chaos... if it doesn't secure its borders and remove the indigent illegal alien from the underpass of neglect and hopelessness... NOW! Marxist know how to incite riot and revolution and they are bringing it to America with wave after wave of the displaced... the homeless and suffering hordes of illegal aliens.
So Lopez, You finally admit that you have no recommendations for anyone to run in place of Mr. Trump in 2024 for President. It is always easier for small people to find faults in the Past than to find Hope in the Future.
Lynn Bryant DeSpain
the new world order IS NOT a "conspiracy theory, it is a satanic conspiracy by globalist minions of satan to exterminate most of the world populatio and nenslave the rest!!!!!!!!!! This is satan trying to start his 7 years of control before he is cast into the Lake of Fire with his minions!!!!!!!!!!!
No matter how strong it may be, Defense Sucks! The only way to defeat a Strong Offense is with a Stronger Offense! Every time we relax, wait to see what will happen, the Progressive Socialist Democrats gain more ground.
Lynn Bryant DeSpain
Very true... once engaged don't let go until the enemy is completely destroyed.
Battles won are not necessarily victories until they are fully exploited and the ultimate goals in a campaign is achieved. Conquests in route to Victory are often short-lived especially when not exploited. Trump's victory should have been immediately followed up with a massive purge of the swamp and deep state... Trump failed to do so, beginning from the day of his inauguration he permitted his enemies to operate within his administration. Ultimately, costing him and all of his supporters what they had gained. Trump's legacy is a disaster...
Weak men make poor commanders... when the battle is engaged is not the time to negotiate. We must learn from our past mistakes or we are doomed to repeat them. The Marxist understand the folly of permitting one's enemies to remain in government once power has been seized. They are very quick to purge the centers of the political power of their enemies. They keep their friends close and their enemies buried... not closer.
Colonel, if that was your best attempt at demeaning, it failed. Understand first, I am not one of your toy soldiers easily herded through negativity. Neither am I an Agnostic. Nostic would be a far more appropriate choice, as even Christ himself spent a goodly amount of time amount the Nostics. Nostic, Greek word root meaning "To Know, Knowledge." I suggest that no one ever dare explain God, as it endangers one to become god. My main issue with your posts aside from condemning others suggestions, is placing yourself as the head of the only potential answer of a para military response. While I applaud your dedication to God and County, I do not accept the premise of yours being the only solutions.
Lynn Bryant DeSpain