
  • Of course, just like blacks attacking Asians everything is "white supremacy" to the fake news propagandists!!!!!!!!!!

  • Reality and truth are not part of a Marxist narrative...  the point of Marxist propaganda is not... IS NOT... to report the truth.  IT IS TO CREATE CRISIS AND ENFLAME THE PUBLIC... thus, DIVIDING the public and expanding conflict.

    AGAIN.. the truth and reality are not the goals of Marxist propagandists... the MSM appears to support such a warped view of journalism... more division, anger, and social conflict... equals greater opportunity to be creative as they MANAGE the news.

     This concept for reporting events by the left must be understood... if we are to avoid becoming unduly distraught over the news media's narrative for events they report... Their goals are not to report the facts or the reality at hand... Their goal is to create a narrative that supports their PROPAGANDA and their overall goal to create division and havoc in society.

    • Ron, once again spot on!!!!!  Propagandists spew propaganda which is nothing but lies that support their evil narrative/agenda!!!!!  Truth and fact only destroy their agenda so both are left out on purpose!!!!!  Divide and conquer is their game plan!!!!!!!!!!


    • P/S The MSM is there to stir the manner... too, ensure we become upset over the garbage they present as news.

    • Ron, do you mean manure?????


  • "Corporate media" is a fantasyland of lies and subversion.

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