
On Wednesday, the Circuit Court for the City of Virginia Beach deemed two novels to be "obscene for unrestricted viewing by minors," including the widely controversial graphic novel "Gender Queer, A Memoir."

Virginia Republican congressional candidate Tommy Altman brought his concerns regarding these "obscene" materials, which have been distributed amongst grade school libraries across the state, to the court, petitioning for parents to have the right to make decisions on whether their children have access to materials containing sexual content.

"Gender Queer," written by Maia Kobabe, has gained widespread criticism across the country for depicting in the comic-style book scenes of teens engaging in sexual acts.

Kobabe has defended the book, writing in an op-ed that "One of the charges thrown against the book was that it promoted pedophilia — based on a single panel depicting an erotic ancient Greek vase. Others simply called it pornography, a common accusation against work with themes of queer sexuality."


On Wednesday though, the court rules that the book is "obscene for unrestricted viewing by minors, and the Court having reviewed the Petition, and the subject book in question finds that there is probable cause to believe that the book Gender Queer, A Memoir is obscene for unrestricted viewing by minors."

The court ordered that a copy of the petition and order be sent to Kobabe and the book’s publisher, who have 21 days to respond to the order’s allegations.

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  • There are 4400 employees in the Department of Education, spending 68 billion dollars annually.  What do they do besides collect money from all 50 States, then hand it out to the schools and universities they think to deserve it.  This department has needed to go for decades. It is worthless and only helps divide the nation.  Think about it, 4400 paychecks, office space, supplies, furniture, computers, vehicles, 4400 vacations, retirements, medical benefits, etc.  Another government department that has lived long past its time to go.

    •    EVERY ONE of these Government pork projects were created by the the Democrats for the last 50 years, and the corrupt Republicans were fine with that to save their Golden Goose. Trump was fighting this agenda his full four years. He fought the Democrats AND the RINOS 24/7, tooth & nail to accomplish ANYTHING for his whole 4 years! ! I have a list of Trump accomplishments three full pages long that the fake media NEVER showed on any of their 'Opinion' news hours. They have been lying to you, you people need a better news source. 
         You'll  notice there are Republicans who are walking the same line as the Democrats, always looking for the table scraps the Democrats leave them. I also notice that the Republican key positions are always controled by members sympathetic to the Democrats agenda. This is what Trump was facing EVERYDAY!  
         The Trump voters saw this Socialist takeover before the election, the liberal sheep refused to see ANYTHING, so here we are looking at a full blown Depression, that Biden and his handlers gave us! BTW, I haven't seen a Biden voters that has admitted it for quit a while.  

    • NoSlack, it was illegal to start with, education is a state responsibility but globalist politicians like to intrude anywhere they can to destroy America!!!!!!!!!!


  • Any school library that accepts these kinds of books to be available to children should lose their funding.  As an add.d assurance that this will not continue, how about dissolving the Dept of Education which is now just a joke.

    • Agree, the Dept of Education must go along with the NEA.. Our Children should not have to endure this kind of brainwashing put out by these commie bastards.......

  • It's about time! If teachers and parents don't restrict this crap.....they courts MUST! It's  nothing but pornography of a different sort!

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