Seattle Whistleblower: A whistleblower contacted the petitioner through a friend in her pulmonary hypertension community. This Whistleblower is a Supervisor at a Seattle FedEx airport facility and has worked at the facility for six years. With a desire to remain anonymous if possible, she wanted to report what she witnessed in time for authorities to access the facility’s video recordings and data logs. She had not been successful in making contact with local Federal authorities.
The Whistleblower reported that more than a thousand pounds of a suspicious shipment, labeled as election mail ballots in canvas bags, came through in what she described as a “ghost shipment.” A ghost shipment meant that when scanned, it “triple beeped,” showing it was not properly processed through the U.S. Postal Service or tracked through the process. This shipment arrived on an unscheduled truck after a suspicious man had been in the secure area inquiring about ballots. She confirmed her local processing facility does not directly process or receive international mail or military ballots. Those are processed or transferred in aseparate area on the tarmac and do not come through her facility.
The Whistleblower’s Seattle FedEx facility shares a tarmac area with the dock for Hanjin Global. Hanjin Global owns South Korean Air Cargo (Appendix T,
pp1031 in Full Exhibit file on Case page). Routine FedEx policy is to keep the mail moving regardless of tracking status. Therefore, Whistleblower instructed her staff to quickly load the suspicious ballots onto the flight bound for the FedEx Memphis, Tennessee hub. The questionable ballots came through starting November 5, 2020 and continued to move through her facility on a daily basis for another week. The ballots were dropped off by unscheduled trucks and once by a private vehicle. Whistleblower reported that once mail arrives at Memphis from her facility, the cargo is then transferred to an outside private ground semi-truck carrier on the tarmac, usually Matheson Postal Services final destination to areas such as Georgia, Pennsylvania, and the Carolinas.
Confession Affidavit Completed
On November 7, 2020, an aide to an outspoken, well-known Democrat supporter (who wished to stay anonymous because his children were later threatened), gave a tip to a journalist Ryan Hartwig, that a South Korean airplane carrying illegal ballots had arrived at Sky Harbor Airport on November 5 and had been unloaded. The plane came from Seoul, South Korea, bypassing customs on specific order from the Department of Homeland Security (Appendix T, pp 1041). Upon information and belief, all routine customs restrictions on certain planes had been lifted so COVID-related PPE could be expeditiously transported. Although this aide was reporting the tip on the 7th, he said the plane that brought the illegal ballots on November 5, 2020, was still at Sky Harbor airport and would be leaving that night for Seattle, Washington. That night on the 7th, several individuals, including journalist Ryan Hartwig (former Project Veritas Facebook content moderator whistleblower), Tom Van Flein (congressman Gosar’s chief of staff), Josh Barnett
(District 7 congressional candidate), Marko Trickovic, and others, went to the airport (Appendix T, pp1037 and 1038). They recorded the plane’s video, capturing the tail number and several individuals loading cargo onto the aircraft. Josh Barnett and another witness followed the men from the tarmac to their house and recorded the address. While still at the airport on the 7th, Marko Trickovic contacted Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb to report the suspicious plane and let him know there was video evidence. Trickovic later told Lamb that the video of the aircraft was given to Petitioner, and she had positively identified one of the men on the tarmac and ran a criminal background check on him, which included narcotics and weapons charges (Appendix T, pp 1034). Trickovic was contacted by a man named John Shattuck and he was put in touch with Petitioner.
Sheriff Mark Lamb is a close associate of both Scott Koch (much more on him later…recognize the name? Koch family member) and Shawn Wilson, owner of Mayhem Security Solutions, an international security company that does contract work for the Department of Defense (“DOD”)
under Homeland Security (Appendix T, pp 1040). Shawn Wilson confirmed that Scott Koch is credible, does have DOD “security clearance” to access planes at the airport, and was a former Sheriff’s deputy. Shawn Wilson, Scott Koch, and Tim Foley, and Mark Lamb, work closely with the Department of Homeland Security doing reconnaissance work with cartels and child sex trafficking at the Mexican border. Wilson confirmed Koch is also a pilot and flies helicopters and planes listed in “trusts” or chartered planes as part of their border reconnaissance work.
John Shattuck told Petitioner that he is in frequent communication with Pentagon officials and acts as a liaison between the Department of Defense and the border reconnaissance group that Wilson is involved with. Wilson and Kochs associations and professional ties with law enforcement and top level government officials also confirm the reliability of Koch’s statements.
After providing video evidence of the plane and photos of the ballots taken at the FedEx facility to Mark Lamb, Wilson and Koch were told that Petitioner had “video recordings of guys on the tarmac with the plane,” had “identified at least one of the guys on the tarmac,” and had a “whistleblower at FedEx with photos and security camera evidence.”
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More evidence of a rigged election. Will anything become of this. Probably not.