Nancy Pelosi on Twitter: "By joining a resolution to dismiss, Sen ...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill, the Heroes Act, is “just shoveling money to her friends and not actually solving the problem,” and it includes “a big tax cut for millionaires and billionaires in blue states, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

Cruz said he’s still not on board with a boll that the GOP plans to introduce on Monday to provide another round of coronavirus relief.

“I am not. We have right now two simultaneous national crises. We have a global pandemic. It is serious. It has taken the lives of over 600,000 people. We need to do significantly more to fight the disease. At the same time, we have an absolute economic catastrophe. We have over 44 million Americans have lost their job, and we have got to get America back to work,” the senator said.

“Unfortunately, I just listened to your interview with Speaker Pelosi. Her objectives are focused on neither of those. Her objectives are shoveling cash at the problem and shutting America down, and, in particular, you look at the $3 trillion bill she is trying to push. It's just shoveling money to her friends and not actually solving the problem. Our objective should be Americans want to get back to work. They want to be able to provide for their family,” he said.

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