
Cuban-American businessman Máximo Álvarez, who came to the U.S. alone as a child under Operation Peter Pan, warned the audience at the Republican National Convention (RNC) Monday that the promises and mob violence characterizing the modern left remind him of the nation he fled.

“I’m speaking to you today because I’ve seen people like this before. I’ve seen movements like this before. I’ve seen ideas like this before and I’m here to tell you, we cannot let them take over our country,” Álvarez asserted, referring both to Democrat Party presidential nominee Joe Biden and to the socialist faction of the party that largely supported rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

The businessman – founder of Sunshine Gasoline Distributors in Florida – specifically cited the “defund the police” movement and calls for universal health care and other socialist policies as “echoes” of the vows Fidel Castro made before seizing power in Cuba.

“Those false promises — spread the wealth, defund the police, trust a socialist state more than your family and your community — they don’t sound radical to my ears. They sound familiar,” he continued. “When Fidel Castro was asked if he was a communist, he said he was a Roman Catholic. He knew he had to hide the truth. But the country I was born in is gone, totally destroyed.”

“When I watch the news in Seattle and Chicago and Portland, when I see history being rewritten, when I hear the promises—I hear echoes of a former life I never wanted to hear again. I see shadows I thought I had outrun,” Álvarez continued. “I heard the promises of Fidel Castro. And I can never forget all those who grew up around me, who looked like me, who suffered and starved and died because they believed those empty promises. They swallowed the communist poison pill.”

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  • From: Victor Davis Hanson: “Today’s students romanticize Che Guevara and Fidel Castro because they are clueless about their bloody careers. The Castro government for over a half-century was responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of Cubans and Latin Americans in efforts to solidify Cuban ‘socialism’ throughout Latin America. When our schools and colleges do not teach unbiased economics and history, then millions of youth have no idea why the United States, Great Britain, Germany, and Japan became wealthy and stable by embracing free-market capitalism and constitutional government. Few learn why naturally rich nations such as Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Venezuela — or entire regions such as Central America, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia — have traditionally lagged far behind due to years of destructive central planning, socialist economics, and coerced communist government. The handmaiden of failed socialist regimes has always been ignorance of the past and present. And that is never truer than among today’s American college-degreed (but otherwise economically and historically illiterate) youth.”


  • Does Socialism and Communism produce a very few Ultra-Rich, while the rest of the population is Ultra-Poor?

    You BET!

    Did CUBA’S Castro ever “redistribute” any money?

    They have “Income Equality” in Cuba; a Doctor gets just $67 per month, everyone else much less!

    Of course, the Castro brothers got just a wee bit more; Forbes Magazine estimated Fidel’s fortune to be $900 million!

    BTW: all those great Cuban hospitals and Medical Care are ONLY for the Elite Government Officials, and Foreigners who come bringing MONEY!

    For the Cuban hoi polloi, it is “Third World” “Medical Care” all the way, no supplies or modern equipment, just old junk!

    It is the same with shopping… the Party Elite and Foreigners have special stores and grocery stores where they, and they ALONE, are allowed to shop. These stores rival any of the classiest stores in America with imported luxury goods.


    Fidel Castro had $900 MILLION, but his people were as poor as church mice.

    Why do you think they still have all those ‘50s era cars? Most Cubans still have the same cars as they did prior to the Bay of Pigs! They have not been able to import anything from the USA since then, we all know that! But that is NOT the reason!


    It is because they can’t afford new ones, and oh BTW, just because WE were not exporting cars to Cuba, that did not stop other car manufacturing countries from exporting to Cuba... the Cubans being dead BROKE stopped them! Do you think that Japan, England, Germany, France and Korea, and other countries don’t export cars?

    The reason that most Cubans do not have ANY newer cars is that they CAN’T afford them!

    Most Cubans are dead broke, except for a few Elite Party members!
    Hmmmm… I thought the “Elite Class” was supposed to be eliminated under Communism?

    Trying to buy fuel for the cars they do have, is like it was during the USA’s Gas Shortage in the 1970s… lines for many blocks long, but this has been going on since Communism took over, not just a few months like it did in the USA.


    Might it have something to do with the Government?


    Everyone knows that the “Worker’s Paradise” of Communism always produces such high standards of living?


    Says all DemonRat Leftists:

    “Well, Socialism will work, this time for sure!”

    “Have no worries about us leaving the country flat BROKE and Society in shambles!”

    All of our Exalted Leaders will be fabulously Wealthy! They and the rest of the Party’s Elite will shop at the best fully stocked stores with plenty of luxury items and receive the best medical care that money can buy.


    The Castro Brothers had $900 MILLION, according to FORBES!

    Fidel died: November 25, 2016
    Perhaps Raúl Castro will now distribute all that money to the Cuban People?
    Don’t hold your breath!

    The Cuban hoi-polloi are still flat-broke!

  • We hear this man.....we see what happened in Cuba and in Venezuela and in Russia after the 1917 revolution and the collapse of Greece and on and on and on...YET WE STILL HAVE PEOPLE IN OUR CURRENT CONGRESS WHO HAVE THE AUDASITY TO CALL HER COUNTER PARTS IN THE REPUBLICAN CRIMINALS OUTRIGHT ON CAMERA FOR THE WORLD TO SEE AND ITS ALL LIES OPON LIES.




  • If the Radical Left was to overthrow America, how many are willing to die as a martyr.  No matter if Biden or Trump wins, another War of Rebellion will happen across our great Nation as it did 160 years ago. Only this time its against a more sinister enemy who has no regard for private property, Christian religion or human lives. American blood will once again stain our ground over FREEDOM.

    • Those states with the rioters have liberal mayors,goveners and also judges. Those judges will always grant the rioters a small bail so they can get back out on the street to continue their mayhem.

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