Current Political Climate

Moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans need  to take control of their parties.  In Congress, it should be standard practice, for members to be assinged seats next to another opposing party member.  This would encourage members  to establish a working and personal relationhip with another parties' member.

Some Leftist leading Democrats and some extreme right Republicans want the country to fail by inciting people to riot and destroy other people's property.  Rioting which resuts in the death of people, the destructuion of another's property are not ideals of this great country and its traditions.  These particular rioters believe if enough rioting and destruction take place, citizens will want law and order so much it will give rise to a leftist or extreme right dictator....then all true Americans will suffer.  

Both Democrats and Republicans need the courage to step up and support the police to the point of standing behind the police when they confront the violent demonstrators..  Police officers just want to know all  citizens have their back. Police who repeatedly abuse their power, have racist issues toward any race, do not honor their oath should be weeded out irregardless of union affiliation. and not be rehired elsewhere.  All true citizens must stand for due process, peaceful confrontation and be willing to stand with the police when violent demonstrators show up.  

Some politicians feed this division in order to get donor money,  votes and remain in power.  It's time for us, the citizens, to stop allowing these politicians to divide us.  We must not give in to the divisive rhetoric .

This reminds of some of the old western movies I've seen.  The law of the land, in this case the United Stated Constitution, should be upheld equally and fairly...., but the citizens themselves must demand law and order enough to fight for it.  Antifa, and some of the radical BLM leaders  and others have spoken.   It's time for the average citizen to step up.  I will step up, will you?

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