The US Capitol Police feel overwhelmed at what lays ahead of them, since Antifa/BLM have targeted individual Members of Congress for harassment or worse, and the DC city government is sympathetic to the mobs.
— J Michael Waller (@JMichaelWaller) October 30, 2020
The violent extremists are planning to use the "BLM Plaza" area - about the size of three football fields, marked in red - as a "staging area" for a mob "siege" to attack the White House complex. @MayorBowser, who supports BLM, has closed off the area to traffic for months.
— J Michael Waller (@JMichaelWaller) October 30, 2020
A police union poll shows that 71% of Washington DC police are so disgusted with @MayorBowser and the District Council that they want to quit, and 96% believe Bowser's policies will lead to more crime.
— J Michael Waller (@JMichaelWaller) October 30, 2020
read more here:
Arrest the mayor
and hang her for TREASON!!!!!
BowWow needs to be sent back to her doghouse.
Any of these Democrat mayors that have been suppressing the residents in their states must be voted out at the earliest chance and elect in those who want what is truly best for the citizens of those states and DC. These people are disgraces..
The President needs to declare Martial Law in DC the minute any riot starts... as the civil authority has declared it doesn't intend on protecting the civil rights of its citizens... the first arrest should be the Mayor and City Council. The President needs to ask Congress to suspend local government and return the government of DC to Congress and the Administration as provided for in the US Constitution.
Ron, I agree. Since devildemocommiecrats encourage violence the National Guard should be brought in to stop it and any local politician that encourages violence should be arrested for sedition and TREASON!!!!!
It would be good if there was rioting right after the election. That would allow Trump to declare Martial Law easily and speedily. He could then also ensure the correct counting of valid votes only.
devildemocommiecrats want to destroy our republic and replace it with the New World Order global dictatorship under satan, soros, and themselves. Sadly too many people are deceived by satan into thinking they will benefit from it when the truth is that they will suffer also.
Send a tweet or 2 to Bowser! Let her know that if she allows the Nazi ANTIFA and Nazi BLM to start thier crap, that she will open a can of worms that she will not be able to shut! The citizens of DC WILL defend themselves and she will have blood on her hands! Don't jujst make comments on blogs, tweet to these Nazi's and tell them to either stand down or face the consequences.
Chaos and riots were prevelant under obummer all over the country but Trump made America great again and ended it all. We are blessed with a strong, decisive, competent, and highly intelligent leader in the White House, who will accomplish even more in his second term. He made America great again and the best is yet to come.