Damn, we are being outnumbered!!!

Source; Forwarded from a friend

Numbers matter. As soon as they are numerous enough, immigrants inevitably mold the society. Some of them are easier to integrate and assimilate than others. Christianized immigrants in North America, although accustomed to political chaos and lawlessness from home, are differently receptive to “civilizational instruction” than Muslims, for whom sharia stands above everything else — including laws and regulations of Western society. From a historical perspective, immigration into Europe from neighboring regions equals a resumption of Islamic expansionism by other means than in the era of the Caliphates and the Ottoman Empire.  Note that the neo-Ottoman tyrant in Ankara openly rejoices in his civilian colonization of Western Europe.

The West, depraved and self-doubting, yet preoccupied with self-imposed “rules” as a matter of self-perception, is seen in the outside world to represent a civilization in decline. People with a criminal mindset, including tyrants with power over entire nations, scorn those who are decent and restrain themselves. Propriety is indiscriminately mistaken for weakness by those with predatory instincts. Instead of admiring Westerners for creating free, prosperous societies under the rule of law, outsiders tend to envy what we have and therefore buy into deadly marxist propaganda about the exploitation(1) of the 3rd World and the demand for “redistribution of wealth.” They feel that the time has come to defeat the West once and for all and establish a worldwide caliphate.

Implicitly, with Jesus as an example to follow, Westerners are raised to show human love and help those in need. Hence, as a starting point, we are trustful. An unlimited credulity on our part, however, may be suspected. This apparent weakness is coldly exploited by: (a) tyrants who demand payment to keep migrants from crossing our borders, and (b) tyrants who wage a war on us with migrants to destabilize our societies. Should anybody doubt whether it is really possible to de-Christianize an entire continent, the answer, of course, is affirmative. The entire Levant was once Christian. So was Anatolia(2). And North Africa. In those regions, only dwindling Christian minorities remain today. Some have converted under duress over time. Others have been massacred because they refused to submit. Still others have been displaced.

As of present, post-Christian nations of Western Europe have been diluted by several generations of Muslim immigrants. Thanks to high birth rates and the constant arrival of newcomers, their number increases steeply year by year. Alien rules of behavior in public life are taking over at the same rate. The “grand replacement,”  (termed by French polemicist Renaud Camus), is at work. The demographics speak for themselves, independent of the lie that they are merely “far-right” conspiracy theories. The collapse of institutions that traditionally characterized Western society marks with brutal clarity the transition from the rule of law to anarchy and — ultimately — tyranny(3). One such institution is “freedom of speech, the prohibition of and punishment if discussing the sweeping changes that are taking place (e.g. nationwide gang rapes tolerated by British authorities). Apparently, Europe is set on a course of “cultural suicide.”

In the West, we have not waged an existential war since the defeat of the Tripartite Pact in 1945. Since then American military power has deterred Bolsheviks from overrunning Europe and temporarily ensured the survival of democracy. However, it has been beyond the power of Americans to protect Europeans against themselves. Along with large-scale importation of unskilled labor from the 3rd World to maintain a particular lifestyle, the latter have stopped reproducing. To an alarming degree, their rural areas are being depopulated. The few children they do have, they refuse to sacrifice in war. So they go to great lengths to prevent open conflicts. Against all reason, they swear to appeasement. Inasmuch as Europeans can really pay their enemies to refrain from escalating conflicts, they strike a deal without qualms. Hence, they allow themselves to loss ground and be humiliated by notorious tyrants without fighting back and punishing those who persistently commit crimes against human rights and international law. Little by little, it has dawned on their enemies how they can wear them out before they attack them in the end anyway.

As Europe is being swallowed up by the dominion of Islam, the Americas (along with Australia and New Zealand) becomes the only remaining part of the West. The last bastion of civilization. It will eventually offer itself as the natural refuge for displaced Christians from the Old World. There will be a Christian exodus unparalleled in history. History shows how Christian minorities are persecuted in Muslim-majority societies (e.g. Copts in Egypt, Assyrians in Mesopotamia, and Maronites in the Levant). Invariably authoritarian, the latter also choke the heritage of the former. Followers of Jesus are reduced to 2nd-class citizens (dhimmis) living at the mercy of the majority. As time goes on, they lose heart, break up, and flee the land that was originally theirs, if they can.

Unless the Christians of the world decide to reverse the tragic trend, unite in brotherhood, and fight for all that is good and right, they are doomed. That is the writing on the wall.

1. Bruce Gilley has made the case for colonialism, that whereas European colonialism caused adjustments and suffering, these were far outweighed by the improvements in health, prosperity and governance to the primitive societies in the Americas, Asia, and Africa, which practiced widespread slavery, misogyny, incessant warfare, and human sacrifice. European powers, exporting their  governance systems, developed native economies and shared in global peace operations. For example, in West Africa there was tribal warfare and human carnage along with the Arab slave traders and high childhood morality. In Southwest Africa there was slave trading and intertribal warfare along with cattle rustling. East Africa was beset by intertribal war and ubiquitous slave traders. In New Guinea intertribal warfare and in addition to cannibalism, human sacrifice, and head-hunting. It was European enlightenment ideas and institutions that colonized the world and extinguished those evils if allowed to, and before marxist ideologies displaced Christian ethics.

2. In Anatolia, de-Christianization is nearly complete. This is due to ethnic cleansing of Christians committed by Turkish-Islamic conquerors, who are genuine pioneers in this field. Executed with political determination and military organization, strategic mass killings have proven immensely effective in building a sense of national unity. What remains of millennia of Western civilization is rubble (e.g. Greek amphitheaters, Orthodox churches, and Armenian villages). Even the mention of ancient, pre-Islamic cultures (i.e. other than the semi-mythical Hittites) and their brutal extermination in the 20th century is taboo.

3. The 1955 Bandung Conference had 29 leaders of newly independent 3rd world countries. Their stated goal was peace. There were 1700 secret police in attendance, a prelude to the invasions, massacres, genocides, starvation, corruption, terrorism, and dictatorial cruelty these leaders were to unleash on each other, their own people, in the world.

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