No way Dems would back Biden with his dementia unless.... they ...

Is Joe Biden reaching the point of no return mentally? That’s the word from Dan Bongino, who shared earlier today that he’s hearing from sources close to the situation that Joe

Biden is worsening and that Democrats will have a decision to make soon.

For context see Joe Biden’s Brain Crashes So Thoroughly That It Spawns a New Meme and Joe Biden Blanks Out and Then Insults Martin Luther King In Disaster Public Comments for some examples of his latest mind melting moments.


Here’s Bongino’s post.

We’ve all seen how hard Biden’s campaign is working to hide his mental degradation. This is a guy who can’t give a short press conference without a list of hand chosen reporters to call on and detailed notes on how to answer basic questions. Absolutely nothing he does anymore is off the cuff, which is why said press conferences only happen ever three to four months. His speeches are short and even his most scripted moments are painful to watch. He’s been doing live streams from his basement and routinely forgets that he’s talking to a recording. Just the other day, he forgot where he was again, a very common theme from many of his public appearances.

There’s no question that his mind is going and that it is having a profound impact on his ability to campaign. Nothing has saved his presidential run more than coronavirus, which has provided a built in excuse to stay out of normal situations candidates usually face. Can you imagine what Biden would be like if he were expected to actually get out every day and campaign? It wouldn’t be pretty.

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