Erica Baker Fight For Gender Inequality, Women In Tech

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s (DCCC) new chief technology officer, Erica Joy Baker, has tweeted anti-police rhetoric and even called on police precincts to be burnt to the ground if she were to be killed by an officer.

In past tweets discovered by the Daily Caller, Baker shared her stance on defunding the police, compared police officers to “giant pieces of sh*t” and called for her followers to burn every cop precinct to the ground, shut down the highways and throw tear gas back at the police officers if the cops kill her.

“If the cops kill me, the only way to ‘sully’ my legacy is to *not* be out in the streets. if the cops kill me, burn every cop precinct to the ground. if the cops kill me, shut down the highways and throw the teargas back at em when they try you. gtfo with that ‘sully’ shit,” one of Baker’s tweets from Sept. 24, 2020 reads.

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  • This idiot is going to get a lot of blacks killed.  White America is fed up with kind of crap. They haven't be confronted yet.  Let this wholesale rioting happen and they won't know what the hell happen 

    • That's phase two. They have to let the NO BORDERS thing wear us down a little before they let Black Isis and Antifa run amuck unchecked to burn,rape and pillage. The Government has declared war on us. We all know it. We have to SAY it. They aim to crush us now for "Their big lie can no longer be maintained". Any loyal Goebbelist knows what MUST take place now. Lots of death,pain,sufering. All the good things TYRANTS give to their people!!!!


  • Why is it that every thing black peoples do is ok. Are their rap music not promoting villains but yet they go attacking "The Eyes of Texas" a song played by the University of Texas and now students and band members don't have to percipient, what a bunch of idiots when their music and their actions promote villains and racist they are the real racist.

    • Because they're being used as tools of marxists to overthrow our country.


    • because some of the black people still think that the white people cause them to be slaves therefore the white people feel sorry for them.

    • Why I hate Democrats. Reason no 675...........They are masters at emotional and moral black mailing one into going against their own values with their Orwellian Democrat Lie Speak. a.k.a. Maosit inspired POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.

      Someones been following (insert swamp) C.C.P. instruction here since at least Bill Clinton. It's his lips I first heard the Maoist Inspired "Politically Correct" LIE from.

      They are setting up C.C.P. type survelience on us as we speak. You're going to be amazed at the pace they destroy our country with. Venezuela might be looking pretty good soon!!!


  • the Black people make me sick, to be honest with you.

  •  So ALL the Black's in America are Marxist/Communist Racist's and of course belong to the Communist Party USA that has been masquerading as a legitimate American Political Isnstitution for over 50 years now. It seems the Blacks Can't be trusted to be Patriotic American's anymore if they Ever truly were but because of their low IQ are Easy Targets for the Marxist/Communist Ideology brought to us by the Ultra-Zionist's who infiltrated the Civil Rights movement back in the 60's and PLEASE don't give me Any Anti-Semitic B.S. to distract from that Truth be cause It IS the Truth.

     This is the Thanks America has gotten in return for the Civil Rights Movement and sleeping while the Communist's were Very Busy subverting this country in Every way Especially with the "Hart-Celler Immigration (Invasion) Act of (Treason) 1965" that NEVER should have been allowed to even be heard on the Congressional Floor and Certainly NEVER should have replaced the "McCarran-Walter Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952" which kept this Country Safe from Anti-American Ideologues. The 1965 Act was used to flood this Country with Third and Turd World Socialist's, Marxist's, Communist's and Islamist's and if that is Too Much Truth to swallow because somebody find's it "offensive" (Hello ADL & SPLC) then that's Too Damned Bad, the Truth hurts sometimes. There was a Petition for President Trump to Repeal "Hart-Celler" but nothing ever came of it, of course.

     Thanks to the Lies of Jacob Javits, Emmanuel Celler, "Wrong Turn Teddy" Kennedy and other's with an Agenda,This whole Lie still has the "11 Million Illegal Aliens in America" figure that hasn't changed in almost 30 years but the Illegal Population Definitely has because it's now at least 35 Million and with the Radical DemoCommucrats who have Opened Up the Souther Border Big and Wide it will soon be as high as 50 Million unless We American's Do Something even More Radical to STOP IT because the Republican's Won't!!

    • Agreed... the kleptocratic,  plutocracy has sold out America's base to satisfy their greed and need for absolute power... It is time the Middle Class rises up and retakes the reigns of government and removes the trash from the halls and streets of our government institutions and cities.

  • Sounds like she's "inciting" a riot.

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