
Mayor de Blasio made a public plea Friday for taxing the rich and redistributing their money even as the Big Apple reels from a coronavirus-induced budget crisis that’s already caused well-heeled New Yorkers to head for the hills.

“Help me tax the wealthy. Help me redistribute wealth. Help me build affordable housing in white communities if you want desegregation,” de Blasio said on WNYC’s “The Brian Lehrer” show after a caller asked about integrating public schools.

“If you just talk about it and feel self-satisfied, god bless you,” de Blasio said to the caller who cited a New York Times podcast called ‘Nice White Parents” that argues white parents should do more to bring racial equality to schools.

“That’s not actually going to change things. What changes things is redistribution of wealth. Tax the wealthy at a much higher level,” the mayor said, adding that he’d never heard of the podcast.

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