Democrat U.S. Senator Tom Carper of Delaware is assisting Middle Eastern seaports company Gulftainer in taking over U.S. strategic ports, threatening U.S. critical infrastructure and U.S. national security.
Senator Carper is closely tied to longtime U.S. adversaries Iran and the Vietnamese communist regime, despite the fact that Senator Carper served in Vietnam.
Gulftainer is intimately tied to Iraqi WMDs, Iran, and Russia. Senator Carper continued to push Gulftainer’s Port of Wilmington deal though the Gulftainer deal received no CFIUS National Security Threat Analysis.
Members of the International Longshoremen’s Association union in Delaware reached out to The American Report with deep concerns regarding the State of Delaware’s plans to bring Gulftainer into the Port of Wilmington.
Gulftainer showed its true colors in April 2020 when Gulftainer blockaded Wawa tanker trucks from delivering fuel to hundreds of Wawa gas stations across five north eastern states (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia) amid the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. Gulftainer then attempted to extort one million dollars from Buckeye Partners, the company that controls the fuel tank farm adjacent to the Port of Wilmington where Wawa loads hundreds of fuel tanker trucks each and every day.
Initially, Gulftainer received a 35-year lease to Florida’s Port Canaveral cargo container terminal under the Obama administration shortly after Gulftainer entered into a joint venture with Russia’s ROSTEC/ROSOBORONEXPORT, the exporter of Russia’s Trojan Horse Club-K Intermodal Cargo Container Cruise Missile Launching System. While the Club-K looks identical to a standard commercial intermodal cargo containers that get delivered to every hamlet in America, it is actually an advanced military weapons system that can deliver nuclear, EMP, chemical, biological, and conventional payloads.
President Trump placed sanctions on Russia’s ROSOBORONEXPORT on the very day that Delaware’s Port of Wilmington approved Gulftainer’s lease of the entire port.
Both Jafar brothers were investigated by the U.S. government. The Pentagon placed Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar on the CENTCOM Operation Iraqi Freedom ‘Blacklist’ with orders to capture or kill Dr. Jafar. The U.S. Treasury Department and three Congressional committees investigated Hamid Dhia Jafar and his company Crescent Petroleum, a Gulftainer affiliate, for his ‘Oil-For-Superweapons’ program that financed Saddam’s and Dr. Jafar’s WMD programs.
Governor Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania and Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey, both Democrats, are either unaware of the national security threat presented by Gulftainer, or they are terrified of taking the issue up with Congress. Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) objected to Gulftainer leases and the lack of a CFIUS National Security Threat Analysis, and the full weight of the U.S. government went after Representative Hunter.
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Who can we turn to, to stop all these useless anti-American politicians? We can't wait years or months to vote them out of office, and by the time we can, they have done so much damage to our country, sold us out. This pos should be cuffed and shackled and led in front of a firing squad. All media should be forced to televise it. It won't happen because the deep state owns the bullets along with all the politicians, not to mention the generals of the Pentagram.
Mr. President the people continue to look to you as the Chief Law Enforcement officer and expect you too " Take Care that the Laws be Faithfully Executed" this especially, applies to the members of Government... elected, appointed or civil service employees... they all must be held accountable for violations of the law.
The Public record finds your Duty to faithfully execute the law has been extremely wanting... for a host of reasons you seem paralyzed to act against senior members of the government who have and are violating the laws of the United States. The People want this stopped NOW... NOT TOMORROW or next year.
Americans (the conservatives): demoncrats are anti-American. a D after a congressman's name marks that one with immediate mistrust. this "carper" , is another demoncrat who enables [aids] countries hostile-to [an enemy] of our Country. these congress violators of "the oath" nedd to be weeded-out [FIRED by the DOJ], and security clearances cancelled IMMEDATELY so they cannot become lobbyists or government contractors.
I would not be surprised if Barr was working behind the scenes to take out a whole bunch of demonrats at once. When it hits them they won't be able to regroup and the entire party will be destroyed. This should probably happen before the election.
This is such BS... Any further delays in the prosecution of criminal conduct among the members of the swamp should be considered OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE... 3 1/2yrs of investigations, hearings, and more investigations ... repeat hearings... all point to serious criminal conduct by many of the most prominent members of the government... it is time to indict and bring the reams of evidence of criminal conduct before a jury for justice to be executed... and the guilty held accountable.
There is no further purpose for holding back prosecution other than to deliberately delay justice... to OBSTRUCT the law and deny justice to the American People. AG Barr is the PROBLEM NOT THE SOLUTION... he has stated he is moving cautiously to avoid any appearance of political bias... however, crimes committed by politicians and their political appointees are intrinsically linked to politics and can never be fully delinked from their political implications. AG Barr's excuses are without merit and indictments should be handed down on hundreds of individuals before Novembers elections... the People need to know who the real criminals are BEFORE THEY VOTE.
The DOJ and FBI are not properly enforcing the laws... individuals such as this man would not dare sell out America if our laws against sedition, treason, bribery, trade and customs laws were enforced... they are only selectively and arbitrarily enforced.
Government + corruption = communism
The deep state is deeper than we ever knew. The swamp needs to be drained and all traitors hung.
Globalist WHORES get rich selling out our country. Do they really think they will be spared the consequences when our country is destroyed?