America's Democrat party leftists are disconnected from reality. All leftists believe the fantasy that the government can manage the economy. However, America’s leftists also believe, to name three big examples, that sexes can magically switch places, that ending our criminal justice system reduces crime, and that a country can simultaneously sustain an open border and a welfare state. On a smaller delusional scale, Press Secretary Jen Psaki revealed her disconnect from small business concerns, and the New York Times was horrified by “unfettered conversations.”
Jen Psaki, who serves as Joe Biden’s Press Secretary, is an excellent choice in many ways. She’s comfortable appearing uninformed and unintelligent before the media. She knows that they won’t call her out and apparently doesn’t care what the American people think. On Tuesday, she offered a perfect example of that latter point.
Psaki is hosting weekly video briefings during which she answers questions people have submitted via Twitter. At one minute and 21 seconds into the video below, Psaki reads out the question: “What is President Biden doing for my small business?”
By September 2020, nearly 100,000 small businesses had permanently closed across America. By November, just in New York and New Jersey, nearly one-third of all small businesses were gone. The lockdowns have decimated businesses in every Democrat-run state. Considering how important small businesses are to the economy, this is a deeply serious issue.
So what’s Psaki’s choice for the most important thing – the “first and foremost” thing – that Biden has done for small businesses? “He nominated a woman to lead the Small Business Administration”.
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The Second Amendment was not to stand alone... it was to arm the militia with the STATE as its agent. Every State's National Guard was to be armed with the Arsenal of the Day... with like weapons used by the Active/standing Army. It is the State's that are supposed to lead the ARMED CITIZEN to reign in and out of control Federal Government. Read Federalist Paper 48 ... it is clear that the State's were to provide the leadership for the common man... and the militia. Every State had laws and still does requiring men of combat age to stand ready as militia... not just those enlisted in the NG...
It is time that the STATES ORGANIZE in force... and send a dictate to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT that they either restrain their overreach (provide a list of the most egregious violations of our liberty as found in the Declaration of Independence) and notify them that the election in November is void, due to fraud, and new elections will be held in November of this year... free of fraud, as they will be on paper ballots only... no mail or absentee ballots... All those unable to vote on election day must cast PROVISIONAL BALLOTS under early voting laws or make arrangements to vote in person... Period. No ballot harvesting. Voter Picture ID required. The Courts need to be informed any interference with the current election laws and its administration will result in the judges involved being arrested, prosecuted for election interference, and relieved of all judicial authority.... impeached, and disbarred.
Private militias are extra-constitutional militias and risk being labeled terrorist groups unless they organize under the cover of a sovereign authority.... such as a Sheriff's Posse or State Reserve militia force. The key is that armed, organized units in a state must have statutory authority or they COULD BE considered rogue terrorist organizations. Example... John Browns Army and the Weatherman Underground, were considered terrorist and insurrectionist organizations
People who belong in a straight jacket are mostly in charge of our country, that's what happens when we don't use the second amendment when they're repeatedly screwing us
The problem is we are letting it happen. We seem to be enablers.
Are the People enablers or are they being prudent... there is a fine line between prudence and capitulation in this matter.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience has shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government." QUOTE Declaration of Independence
I submit the People are prudent and patient.. waiting on their STATES to act... as it is the State which must reign in the out of control Federal Government... it is the state which has the leadership, resources and heavy arms needed to restrain the MARXIST who have taken control of our Government by FRAUD and an internal COUP... a coup involving most of the key leaders of our Federal Government... and many of our State Governments as well.
We must ask... nay, demand that the State Government act to restore our electoral system and to remove the Fraudulent Government sitting as our elected Federal Government Failure to do so will lead to the total demise of our Constitutional Republic.
Yes, the second amendment was put into place specifically to stop the rise of a tyrannical Government.... Our fore-fathers gave up life and limb to be free of tyranny.. People today have chosen security over liberty... Lots of talk, no action!!
Paul, unfortunately the second amendment does not give we the people adequate protection against a tyrannical government that outguns all of us easily these days. How do you think the arms of the government match up against the arms we the people have?
Paul, timing is of essance, the second amendment must be applied before the constitution becomes a piece of paper. US troops have all sworn to protect the constitution, most are freedom loving men and women, so I have no doubt they would turn their backs on anyone asking them to fire on we the people. Again, the second amendment can confidently be applied but only before the troops are filled with chinese robot types.
"when Tyranny becomes law then resistance becomes duty" (Thomas Jefferson) Tyranny has become law, so, what do we do?? What we've been doing for decades hasn't worked so, maybe its time to take a stand... I'd rather die by the hand of the military than to quiver on my knees in defeat...
Our forefathers envisioned that the several States would be the place for actioning restraint on a rouge Federal Government... the 2d Amendment was primarily meant to empower the State Militias and the States were seen as the source for ORGANIZING, funding, and resourcing the resistance to a rouge Federal Government.
The several States are ignoring their duty... too, protect and defend the US Constitution and our Republican form of government. They are neglecting their responsibility and duty to reign in a rogue Federal Government. The 9th and 10th Amendments are being totally ignored by the States and the Federal Government is not likely to mention them.
The leadership for resisting an overreaching Federal Government was seen by our forefathers as the State Government's prerogative.... however, the several states are mute and basically neutered servants of the Federal Government... a construct created by their long-neglected roles as the primary actors in our Federal System of Government. We MUST ACTIVATE OUR STATE LEADERSHIP, TO ONCE MORE ASSUME THEIR LEADERSHIP OF THE REPUBLIC.... too, restrain federal power and limit its overreach.
The People's hope for a return to Constitutional government rests with their legislatures and governors. However, none seem interested... too, risky... too troubling... too expensive. No, they'd rather trade the liberty of their citizens for security (avoiding possible civil war) These merchants of abdication and cowardice... need to be replaced by those who will defend our Constitutional Republic against its enemies foreign and DOMESTIC... against an overreaching Federal Government. The People need their champions to defend their interests. They do not expect their State Governors or legislatures to fold up and run when faced with a direct challenge to their liberty and the Republic.