Capitol Police caught Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Jake Auchincloss’s chief of staff defacing posters outside the Capitol complex office of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and referred him for criminal charges, but the same U.S. Attorney's office that pursued the Jan. 6 defendants declined to approve an arrest warrant, according to police documents and interviews.
Police and Auchincloss also confirmed Monday that the congressman's office was involved in allowing comedian Steven Colbert's production team into the Capitol complex last week in an incident that led to security concerns and the arrest of seven members of Colbert's team.
Capitol Police asked federal prosecutors back in March for an arrest warrant for Timothy Hysom, 51, a longtime Democrat congressional staffer who worked for Rep. Adam Schiff before rising to be Auchincloss’s top aide, after capturing Hysom on hidden camera security footage defacing Greene’s posters with stickers with religious messages, according to copy of the arrest warrant obtained by Just the News.
Police said they believed Hysom may have been involved in seven defacing of posters outside Greene's office in the Longworth Congressional Office Building between January and March and that he declined to be interviewed when confronted. Hysom was offered a "non-custodial interview and he declined and retained counsel," the report states.
"Based on the aforementioned, it is your affiant's belief that the defendant, Timothy Duane Hysom … did violate DC Code § 22–3312.01 Defacing Public or Private Property,” the arrest warrant stated.
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Government is the only institution that can legally threaten and initiate violence under the color of law... its officers may use physical force, up to and including lethal force against individuals who it deems and or defines as criminals. “Government is not reason. It is not eloquence,” George Washington said the following about government: “Government is force; like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." Good government requires a moral and religious people... tied to a higher authority than mankind's intellect and judgment. Good Government is restrained by a moral social order and a citizenry of like-minded moral individuals.
Our Constitution embodies all the necessariy elements of government restraint and personal liberty ... required for good government. Why then are we experiencing wholesale criminal conduct from our current government? Could it be that the leadership in government is corrupt and that those administering the laws of government do so arbitrarily and without fear of the GODLY retribution? Could it be that corruption has undemined the pillars of society and everyone must now fear his neighbor? Our Constitutional form of government is unsuitable to govern any other than a moral and religious people.
The law must not be administered arbitrarily or perniciously.... it must be applied equally and fairly to all parties under its jurisdiction... The law must not become so complex that no one can fulfill its requirements... or must consult an attorney at law to comprehend its application.
It runs all the way down to the local level. They make me sick!!! :(
Of course the DOJ won't prosecute 'that'. But let Marjorie Taylor Greene do the same thing; and all the gates of Demonrat hell will break loose.