Lanny J. Davis latest book “Crisis Tales: Five Rules for Handling ...

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  • Davis is right, but his thinking is at the second level and so beyond the intellectual capacity of BLM and its devotees. I believe we will see a surge in Trump support, not necessarily because people will suddenly start liking Trump but because they will recoil at what they see from the riots and the gutless pandering of the Democrats.

  • Our president runs better campaigns than the Democrats, he will play this well and win. Trump 2020!

  • The sad thing is that the stupid's coming out of our so called educational system will believe this garbage. The rest of us KNOW who is involved and started this garbage. I personally would not put it past these scumbags to have worked with China to get this so called pandemic started. 

  • I think Lanny Davis is right and I hope the progressives won't listen to him. I also hope Trump will really crack down using the full force of the federal government. Then he will win with the biggest landslide in history. 

    • Why do we call the backward thinking lefty idiots "progressives"?

    • The 'liberals' are not for liberty, neither progressive but regressive and not even democratic (the oligarchs decide for them).....their buzz names is always the opposite of their real nature !


  • Americans ( the conservatives):   this "lannie davis " is one of the lead demoncrat "slime balls".     And, somebody who has a perpetual shitty, haughty grin on the face...immediately distateful and not trustworty in my book.

  • Duh.... What do you think? Violence against kids, babies, families, girls, elders, handicapped, drivers, walkers, store owners, towns, streets, cities, dressed in black from eyeball to sole of foot, what do you stupid people think? guns, batons, fire, rapes, beatings, blinding, tackling, looting, brick throwing, what else can you crazed masrxists think of?

    Every single homeowner has GOT to be reconsidering their vote even if they are a demo. Every single business owner has got to already have changed their minds if they were demo. If they take a minute and think, they might remember, R's have NEVER done this.

    Last to come around to any sense, or I should say, Professor KnowItAll's will never come around. Fully indoctrinated unless they are Christian.

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