There's only 2. And you are what you are born as. You were also built to be  with the opposite gender - Imgflip
A liberal polling group is keeping quiet about the results of its survey that shows voters reject radical gender ideology, while privately hatching plans to 'educate' the public by 'rebranding puberty blockers.' gained access to an invite-only webinar of San Francisco-based Change Research, in which they unveiled new poll results that show Americans reject giving hormones and other trans drugs to children.
In the online session, lead pollster Betsy App called the results 'bad news,' saying the team would struggle to 'educate' the public about sex-reassignment for kids. She said it was time for 'rebranding puberty blockers' with a less-divisive term.
'I want to give us all a reality check,' App told the online session.
'We are facing an uphill battle when it comes to voters' fundamental beliefs about the relationship between sex and gender.'
Change Research had already declined our requests to see the poll results. They initially invited to join the webinar, but then uninvited us. We attended anyway, after registering with a personal email address.
At the start of Friday's 30-minute session, the group's marketing chief Molly McInerney said they would 'not be making these results widely available' and urged attendees not to 'share these findings.'
Nevertheless, is releasing the results because they're in the public interest.
They show that Americans say sex is assigned at birth, and that men and women cannot change their sex at will.
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