
  • Thus proving he's just another stupid Demonrat. Adults KNOW who's playing the game and he's one of the clowns.

  • We are truly in the last days folks

    • They have been saying that for a thousand years!

  • China is murdering our children with drugs, in cahoots with the Mexican cartels to destroy America, they are also undermining our society, all the glue that holds us together. We must shut out china and Mexico......neither is our friend, they are both at war against us, murdering hundreds of thousands of our youth!

  • There should be a great scare about China. They will take us over, and only the ignorant, stupid don't see it! 
    Why are we so eager to surrender?

  • Maybe  we need a little  red scare. China comes here buying our Farms. Investing  in our companies.  China is up to no good.

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