
  • I consider her an urban terrorist: never would I consider her a Representative of the people in her district.  Hopefully the people in her district will getr rid of her in 2022 (but we have to get the electorial process straightened out first).

  •  I am white, so I guess I have a case of white privilege.  She is black, she must have a case of You, whitei, owe me.  \

  • She is basically saying, "Black knives work!" Loud fear and intimidation works well among the ignorant and fool hearty. She is Not Proud, Just Loud. In any other circumstances or City, a "Private Security" is called a "Street Gang!"

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • That's not her 200k. That's our 200k! She's basically saying what all demonrat progressives believe. "Ok for me, but not for thee" We pay for her security while she expects us to defend ourselves with butter knives. That is until she passes legislation to outlaw butter knives!

  • Insane broad

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