Dem Rep: Religious Liberty Is a ‘Bogus Term’


Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D., N.Y.) said Monday that religious liberty is a "bogus term" that merely serves as a "pretext for discrimination."

Maloney was celebrating the morning's high-profile victory for LGBT rights at the Supreme Court, but he took time to criticize the author of the decision, Justice Neil Gorsuch, for having supported religious liberty.

"We know that Neil Gorsuch is a supporter of so-called religious liberty, which is a bogus term—it is actually some sort of pretext for discrimination hiding behind the guise of religion," Maloney said. "I'm still on the lookout for that from the author of this opinion."

Maloney went on to list the ways that "kids" have led the charge in progressive protest movements, such as gun control, arguing some of his congressional colleagues should be replaced by high school students.

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  • No one ... no ideology, or system of government is without 'discrimination'... I think it safe to state that everyone discriminates when it comes to condoning murder or rape... there are many choices every day that require discrimination...  choice based on morals or ethical codes are forms of discrimination.

    What Rep Maloney will not admit is that he discriminates against religion... that he discriminates against Christian ethics and moral maxims.  Our choice is to discriminate when we vote... to separate Mr. Maloney from serving in the House of Representatives... send him home so he can discriminate where such conduct is appreciated... 

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