
    • I must respectfully disagree, as a small, limited federal government was the vision of the Founders when the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were formulated. Our constitutional republic has the only government that is responsible to We the People, and although it isn't functioning as intended, it is way time for us to take it back from the so-called "leaders" who think that they know better. I voted for President Trump, twice, and would vote for him again; not because we need a strong leader,but because he knows that We the People of the States are the ones who make America great by doing the next right thing for their families, friends and neighbors in their respective States. And if the people aren't up to the task, no president, dictator or king is going to save this great country, and he knows that too.

    • Hi RickMik, thanks for the comment!   Just touching base to make sure I understand why you disagree with 2025.   Paul Simmon made some good points and I am going to do more research on 2025 before making anymore recommendations!

    • It sounds like we are a doomed then. The people don't seem to be up to the task. The radical left controls the education system, the judiciary, public discourse, any aspect of the public domain really.

      It's good to see that you vote for President Trump no matter what because he is indeed the man who can make America great again and knows it, or in your words, who can create the framework to have Americans make America great again. 


  • YEAH, TELLIN IT LIKE IT IS JOE. Armed with that info. let's try to recruit the people-neighbors-tax payers who are getting "Donkey Screwed" by the DemoDRAP empowered would be dictators of AMERICA. It's dificult but i am trying to workup a message out here that will convince our neighbors that we must oppose this Take Over of OUR KID'S COUNTRY.

  • Where did the money go?? My money is on some guy named Peters?? Ro pull your head out of your A$$!! I know it's nice warm and dark there but everything you say Smells like Crap!!!

  • Well, let's assume the $$$ went to his Marxist-Democrat colleages , that would be all the same "garbage can". Joe is a brain conditioned puppet who would not really know the value of a penny vs. a $100 bill. The "deadicated" Satanist - Democrats are all trapped by the filth they have created. They know we see their dirt.....They started the battle , Not the CONSERVATIVE, CHRISTIANS.  To fend for LIFE as HE created on earth we must oppose those Satanists.

  • You are a MISERABLE LIAR

    • Who did the money go to?


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